Subject: Reminder about Memorial Week Training Schedule
Reminder about Memorial Week Training Schedule
May 26th, 2014 at 9:20 pm ESTHappy Memorial Day Friend, I hope you had a great weekend and you're ready to get a jump start on the 4th of July! Here's a reminder of our schedule for the week. Memorial Week Schedul ...
RSVP for ND & GST and Reminder about Memorial Week Training Schedule
May 22nd, 2014 at 3:45 pm ESTGood afternoon Friend, I'm sure you're preparing for your holiday weekend, so I wanted to remind you of our upcoming CYBBC holiday schedule Nutrition Discussion Grocery Shopping Tour ( ...
Please report your 2014, P5 Cardio Minutes!
May 19th, 2014 at 4:02 pm ESTGood afternoon change makers! Today is the start of P6 and a roughly 7 week stretch of training (including wk4 make-ups). Before we get to deep into momentum, I'd like to get some clos ...
Boot Camp is Canceled Until Further Notice
May 5th, 2014 at 4:03 pm ESTHi Friend, My father Alex, passed away this morning. It was unexpected. I'm packing up and clearing my schedule for the rest of the week to go be with my family. I'll write again, to ...
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