Subject: Ying & Yang: Habits vs. Inspired, Little Things vs. Big Things, Chipping Away vs. Jumping Out of Bed

Happy Veteran's Day Observed Friend!

And thank you to all who have served and serve our country.  We appreciate you, your sacrifices, courage, commitment and more.  My grandfathers served.  My cousin serves, friends, neighbors, we all know someone.  Thank you.

Ying & Yang
Opposites, yet complimentary.  Up & Down.  Tall & short.  Big & Small.  Left & Right.  Good & Bad.  Celtics & Lakers.  Red Sox & Yankees.  Bruins & Canadians.  Patriots & Jets.  Ludlow & Cathedral.  Sun & Moon.  Day time and Night time.  Yes & No.  More & Less.  Please & Thank You (& Your welcome).  Trick or Treat.

You need both.  It might not be 50/50, but you need both.  

Habits vs. Inspired.
I write often about practicing habits.  Scheduling self-care.  Tracking progress.  

Pound a glass of water when you first wake up.
What gets measured gets managed.  
What gets scheduled gets done.
If you can fall into a bad habit, then you can fall into a good habit.

These are all true.  Not sexy, but true.

What about being inspired.  You know those times when you're unbelievably excited about something and that excitement provides a tidal wave of momentum to carry you forward through the toughest obstacles.  You think 1000 steps ahead and you have the energy to do 2000 steps.  How can we get more of that in our lives?  Habits are useful and important.  There are good and bad ones and in between one's as well.

Little Things vs. Big Things
Habits are the little things, that when done daily, stack up and compound into big things.  Big things can yield big results and big reward yet also be both daunting and exciting depending on your mental state and where your standing when your facing them.  

Big things broken down and reverse engineered into little things, little steps, tasks and to dos make big things easier to achieve.  You know this.  You practice this.  Maybe not all the time with all things, but you know this.

Chipping Away vs. Jumping Out of Bed
The best way to eat an elephant is ...
The best way to climb a mountain is ...
The best way to build a brick house is ...
The best way to write a book is ...
The best way to get in shape is ...
The best way to lose weight is ...
The best way to do big things is ...

These are fill in the blank phrases that you know the answer to.  How to do big things is ... to break them down into little things.  Big things are inspiring.  Little things are habits.  Ying vs. Yang.  Opposites that need each other.  

Big Questions
How can you jump out of bed in the morning?
There's a lot of answers to that question.
What's the easiest way to jump out of bed?
There's still a lot, but it quickly gets refined if you compare each answer you come up with to find, which is the easiest.  

What would be so inspiring and cause you so much excitement, that you can't wait to jump out of bed in the morning?
That's a good question.  Answer that and it'll be real easy to chip away and do the little things that build the habits, that stacked together, compound, build momentum and add up to big things that are inspiring to you and others and make it all worth it.

We need both big goals and little goals.  Big dreams and little dreams.  The best big goals and dreams I've ever done, scared me & excited me (Ying & Yang).  There was great risk of failing and great opportunity to dramatically transform my life.  

What problem needs to be solved that you're sick & tired of dealing with, that you can solve?
What would make your life over the next 50 years be better than all the time you've spent here so far?  
Is it a job change?
Is it finding a soul mate?
Is it finding your new BFF?
Is it starting a company?
Is it moving to or building your dream house?
Is it living in the heart of the city, where the action is?
Is it waking up in the fresh air of nature, trees and wildlife?
Is it becoming a parent?
Is it becoming a grandparent?
What risk is scary & exciting and worth it?
If you get into your absolute best shape, what could you do with it? 
What sport would you play?
What mountain would you climb?
What could you do with your kids?
What would clothes shopping be like?
How will people treat you if you're the strong & gentle fit person, who can do stuff?
What would it be like to live the active lifestyle?
What would it be like to live the athlete lifestyle?
What would you have to do to pay your mortgage off in 1 year?
What would you need to do to have a larger family?
What needs to happen to go on that dream vacation that's all inclusive?
What needs to happen to go on that dream trip and cross off those bucket list items, so you can enjoy them and tell stories about them while you're young enough to come up with more?

Ask yourself different questions.  Maybe get a great workout in.  Do a cool down stretch.  Lie on your roller in the supine W stretch position.  Close your eyes and day dream while sweat drips, your skin is giving off heat, your mouth is dry, your blood is pumping, your muscles tingling, your breath and heart calming.  

Ask yourself.  What would excite me?  What would be so big & scary, yet awesome and exciting that it'd get me to jump out of bed every morning?  Be a kid making a Christmas list.  There's no wish too big.  Ask yourself big questions.  Have fun with it.  Find the one that scares you the most and then ask what would need to happen to make it real.  If your mind starts going real fast with answers, that just might be the one.  Get up quick.  Get some paper & a pen and start writing.  Maybe get a napkin because a lot of the coolest stories happen there.  

And if you need an echo chamber to bounce ideas off and build up more excitement or you need a place to go work off some of the excitement so you can be grounded enough to execute, I'm here.  I've got a team of awesome best case people to train with, a fun, safe & results yielding program that'll help you become your best self to present to your big thing and maybe most importantly, you'll have a coach who cares.  

Asking questions,

Coach Mike

p.s.  Want to share your big scary & exciting thing?  Reply and let me know.

p.p.s.  Want help finishing your year strong, peaking for holiday hotness and winter sports?  Also reply and let me know.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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