Subject: When is the best time to eat?

Hi Friend!

Yesterday I was FaceTiming with my girls and I started flexing my biceps for them.  Yeah, I know it's a meathead move and it's something I rarely do, but I did it because my arms are feeling strong.  My biceps are feeling strong and it's cool because we're in the middle of our 2nd Quarter programming and one of the themes is to be beach ready and I'm feeling like I'll be beach ready and that feels good.  

Two reasons, I'm feeling real good about my training are:
1.  Pre-workout Shakes
2.  UGIG (You go, I go) workouts on the weekend.

1.  Pre-Workout Shakes.  I train on most M / W / F @ 10:30a at the West Suburban YMCA.  It's got showers and it's centrally located are my main two reasons for using it, so that helps me keep my work schedule and look professional for appointments.  Even though I had this convenience there were too many times I didn't go into the gym in the beginning because I felt too tired and weak.  Long story short, I was hungry and had gone too long in between meals.  So with an end of year gift from Marisa, I bought some protein powder and Vanessa got me a new shaker, and now I rarely ever miss a workout.  Who knew something so simple as a pre-workout shake, was all I needed to get out of my car and into the gym.

2.  UGIG.  At the end/beginning of the year, Vanessa and I reflect on our year and set goals for the new year.  One thing that bothered both of us, was that we missed too many workouts.  We decided to give UGIG a shot, in which I worked out and she watched Vivi and then she worked out and I watched Vivi.  It's working.  We're both doing great and priming ourselves for the weekend and setting up our weeks.  I pound a glass of water, pop my vitamins and then take the shake before heading out the door to train.  I come back, she's got breakfast ready and I take Vivi out and do our errands while Vanessa gets her workout in.  So far so good.

That Eat. Lift. Build. conference was super valuable as I've said over and over, and here's the 6th of 7 newsletters of what I learned.  This one's about nutrient timing.

Nutrient Timing Matters Most for:
1.  Workouts lasting longer than 1 hour
2.  Workouts in heat

Otherwise, use this chart from Precision Nutrition for guidelines specific to body type and goals.
1.  Adam Feit, MS (Springfield College guy and future PhD), Nutrient Timing Workshop
2., Workout Nutrition
The most important thing is to eat whole foods most of the time, stop when content and drink mostly calorie free beverages aka water.  When you're working out in heat, longer than an hour and/or its an intense, muscularly fatiguing workout, nutrient timing matters before, during and after.  Otherwise, you can stick to the basic 3-4 meals per day AND based on this presentation, everyone can benefit from EAA's (Essential Amino Acid) supplementation during exercise, consisting of 5-15g/hr of training in either pill, powder or liquid form.  

Helping you present your best self to your days,

Coach Mike

p.s.  Saturday is Measurements & Orientation for our Phase 6, which begins Monday.  If you're not already a member, you can sign up here to try us out.

p.p.s.  If our logistics don't work for you to be a Change Your Body Boot Camps member, maybe you'd like my help designing your exercise and nutrition programming.  If so, reply and let me know what you're looking to do and how I can help.
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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