Cardio Minutes - Week 1 a.m. 23, 23, 23 for M / W / F last week for a total of 69 minutes. p.m. 23, 23 for M / Th last week for a total of 46 minutes.
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p.s. Who do you know that needs an appointment to get their workouts in and would love what we do? This week is guest week if you want to invite them. Please email introduce them. Here's the guest waiver form for guest week and the thanksgiving workout.
p.p.s. Save the Dates: Stretch & Sprint, Su, 10/20, from 7:30-8:30a @ NN Stretch & Sprint, Su, 11/24, from 7:30-8:30a @ NN Thanksgiving Day Family Workout, 8:30-10:00am, Th, 11/28 @ MC