Hi Friend!
Gorgeous Monday to you! I hope you're feeling energized, strong and ready for a great week. I know I am, especially after:
1. yesterdays Stadium Run
2. getting to hang out at home by myself yesterday while the girls were at a baby shower (how weird and awesome it was),
3. getting good sleep (7hrs),
4. hitting my meals / day goal (4),
5. exercising (2x)
6. practice my nutrition habit (choose foods that give me joy, make me feel good and are good for me)
7. finishing P10's, CW#1 (8rds in 20min).
How about you? How are you feeling today?
And since I'm looking for a reply,
What'd you do for cardio minutes last week?
Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6:00am 23 21 21 65
9:00am 23 21 21 65
6:30pm 23 23 23 69
So how ya feel'in today and what'd you do for cardio minutes yesterday?
Your coach,
Mike Alves