Hi Friend!
Welcome back to the last phase of the year. Phase #13!
Time to peak for Holiday Hotness and finish getting Winter Sport Ready. One way will do that is by holding you accountable.
In the spirit of accountability.
What'd you do for cardio minutes and challenge workouts?
cm - w3: cm - ew: #CW's:
Key: cm = cardio minutes w3 = week 3 ew = empowerment week #CW's = Total Number of Challenge Workouts Completed
Notes: We got 60 minutes in the family workout for cardio minutes.
Notes2: If you did the 6:30pm, make up on Monday, the Thanksgiving Workout, the workout card and/or the challenge workouts, include those with your challenge workouts completed number.
If you've already reported. Disregard.
Your coach,
Mike Alves
p.s. reply now with your minutes and challenge workouts completed!