Hi Friend!
Our summer quarter is off to a fast start and I hope you week has been great so far. One of the points of emphasis for the summer quarter will be to help you get faster and we'll do that many ways such as sprints, force into the ground power via db complexes, single leg plyometrics (hurdle hops), single leg strength exercises (1-leg squats and single leg dead lifts) and closing energy leaks with correctives, planks, bridges and rotary stability.
Since we're talking about being fast and speed, I'm going to keep it brief today.
Cardio Minutes - Week 1 Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total 6:00am 25 22 22 69 9:00am 25 22 22 69 6:30pm 25 22 25 72
Shout Outs - Week 1 - Week 1, Perfect Attendance: Marisa Cimino, Lisa de Lima, Dana Dornbusch, Ceci Dunn, Jim Pelis, Joshua Gann, Michelle Crowley, Peter Kelly (+1), Julie Levin, Madeline McNeely, Sean Crowley, Lisa Listerman, Melissa Mullen (+1), Paula Pollis, Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Julie Tishler, Stephanie Bucci, Marc Steinberg, Elizabeth Dean (+1), Ricardo Abech, Ozge Getkin, Nelson Aquino, Diane Gomez (+1), Susan McHale, Eric Getkin, Paul Gomez (+1) and Gregor Rohda. You can't make change happen if you don't show up. These people showed up!
- 4 for 4's: Ricardo Abech, Michaela Millot, Marisa Cimino, Melissa Mullen, Stephanie Bucci, Nelson Aquino and Marc Steinberg hit all 4 of their daily habits goals (sleep, meals, exercise and nutrition) in the same day at least once! You know how difficult it is to do and you know how much better everything is when you do it. Now do it again!
- P6, Week 3 Cardio Minutes Goals: High Five to Marisa Cimino (445), Lisa de Lima (274), Jim Pelis (180), Lauren Coyne (281), Peter Kelly (259), Julie Levin (442 + 2CW's), Sean Crowley (300), Lisa Listerman (317), Anne Marie Dunne (254), Melissa Mullen (264), Michaela Millot (292), Julie Tishler (250), William Savage (184), Ricardo Abech (271), David Bono (180), Emily Pardo (360), Sarah Preis (310), Diane Gomez (265) and Colleen Chapman (294). Well done everyone. All different amounts and you all hit your goals. High Five!
- Empowerment Week Cardio Minutes Goals!: High Five to Marisa Cimino (350), Jim Pelis (185), Joshua Gann (250), Peter Kelly (377), Julie Levin (302), Sean Crowley (240), Melissa Mullen (337), Michaela Millot (287), Julie Tishler (290), Stephanie Bucci (320), Ricardo Abech (300), David Bono (240), Emily Pardo (298) and Sarah Preis (272). These very active action takers either hit their cardio goal and did a challenge workout / attended a make up class or hit their empowerment week cardio goal. Either way, they got it done!
- Beat Last Kick A** Weigh In: High Fives to Ceci Dunn, Jim Pelis, Joshua Gann, Karna Krishna, Ricardo Abech, Susan McHale and Paul Gomez for beating their last KAWI on record. That feels good.
- Shout out to Lisa de Lima for training for PMC! You go girl!
- Walter Piescik for inviting Nelson Aquino to race motorcycles around a track in NH.
- Jim Pelis for inviting his daughter to train with him at the gym and following one of our workouts.
- Peter Kelly for getting Ricardo and I in better shape with your tennis invites.
- Melissa Mullen, Emily Pardo and Diane Gomez for taking advantage of the opposite training schedules that the a.m. and p.m. classes offer to proactively get in workouts you'd otherwise miss.
- Ozge and Eric Getkin for collaborating and finding a way for both of you to regularly get your workouts in.
- Paula Pollis (1) for your momentum. Keep going. (2) for Vivi's first Bike. She can turn the pedals now and can stand and pedal and sometimes shows off with no hands (daddy cringe).
- Everyone who's managing a hurt body part for various reasons and still makes time to train. That's exactly what you're supposed to be doing. Give attention to your issue and Keep going.
- Our new members, Paul Gomez (6 & 9am) and Colleen Chapman (6am and 6:30pm)! Welcome to the CYBBC family!
- Our summer member who was a past member, Gregor Rhoda (6am).
Hit the ground running this week. Get your 1st workout asap and then go from there.
Coach Mike
p.s. what'd you do for minutes last week?
p.p.s. please complete the survey to share your feedback if you haven't already.
p.p.p.s. informal survey. please choose. (2) 6 week training stretches in 2019 and a 3 week year end break or (1) 6 week training stretch in 2019 and a 2 week year end break. reply and let me know.