Subject: What'd you do for cardio minutes?

Hi Friend!

Happy Monday to you and happy Birthday to Melinda!  Yay!  I love that she trained on her birthday and invited her brother, Brian to work out with us.  That's a big deal, that gets compounded.  Not only did she jump start her week, but she will have a most awesome birthday because she primed herself for it and she also made a memory with her brother that they'll share forever.  And if you weren't there or privy to the quiet moments, the two siblings almost made it the full 60 minutes before there was a bit of sibling smack talk.  It made me think of my sister Meredith.  She's tough.  She can give it and take it and is super cool. 

While on the subject of guests, thank you Melissa for inviting your friend Natalie last week.  I hope you also created a great new memory and bond while still getting your workout in.  

This is a big one, that is important to everyone and comes in many shapes and forms.  It could be lowering your risk for disease, improving mental health, managing stress, not getting winded going up stairs, getting up or down easily from the ground and not having so many tight, achy or painful spots to name a few.  When it comes to health in my experience, if it's important, it needs to get scheduled.  And when it gets scheduled, it almost always gets done.  

CYBBC's tagline is Group Personal Training for Health, Body Transformation and Performance.  The Body Transformation part is emphasized in the name with the "Change Your Body..." line.  I like it because it emphasizes what we do.  We change bodies and really we change bodies to change lives and we change lives by changing bodies.  I think it draws people that want to do this and turns aways those who we're not right for, however for some people or more specifically, for some members, this might be offensive or discouraging, especially when I talk about bodies in class and if you feel bad when you come, that will not help you to improve your health because you might eventually stop coming if you don't feel good when you come.  So far as I remember, no member has told me personally that our name or any emphasis on body transformation makes them feel bad, but just in case, I'd like to be sure.  I'd want to train in an environment that makes me feel great and I want you to have the same.  

In any event, this article about how bodies look vs. what bodies can do, came across my inbox, and I want to be sure I'm 100% encouraging to you and not discouraging in any way, so if you'd take a read and let me know if I need to clean up my words or message or program in any way, I'd be grateful.  I think I'm always going to care how I look AND how I feel AND how I perform, however I'm sure there are better ways to go about it, so let me know if you see them.

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      21               21                21               63
9:00am      21               21                21               63
6:30pm      21               21                21               63
What'd you do for minutes last week?

Every day is a new day and a fresh start.  Today is that day and if today doesn't work to start fresh, tomorrow is another chance.  You can do it!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.p.s.  Reply now with your cardio minutes from last week!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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