Subject: What portion sizes should you use for your goals?

Hi Friend!

Don't you love when complex things get made simple?

Have you ever counted calories either with pen & paper or with an app?  

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule?

Would you love a way to make food portion selection, feel more natural like eating a couple of cucumbers from the back yard?   

Here you go.

Now Imagine Your Plates @ Home
Can you see 1-2 palms of protein on your plate?
Can you see 1-3 fists of greens on your plate?
Can you see 1-3 thumbs of fats on your plate?
Can you see 1-3 cupped hand of carbs on your plate?
Add your non-caloric beverage and you've got your 5 things to eat at most meals.

This is another way to practice making sure you have enough food to sustain you and support your efforts while complimenting the nutrition habits.  If you get full or reach contentment before you finish, then you stop.  If you're still hungry, then you eat more.  Simple.  

Want more specific detail?
Here is Precision Nutrition's Portion Control Guide Infographic, from their article on this very topic.  As you can see they're a big inspiration for our food portions and our nutrition plan.  

Want more support?
There are 2 ways I can help.

1.  Nutrition Discussion
Every phase, I offer a nutrition discussion where I teach our nutrition plan based around a persons goals, schedule and food likes.  The goal is to have them walk out with an understanding of the who's, what's, when's, where's, why's and how's and a concrete list of foods they like for each food category, a meal plan based on their schedule (work, family, exercise) and a grocery shopping list, that they can start with that day or preferably the next day.

Our next discussion is:
1:30-2:45p, Sat, Jan 27.

2.  Pro Coach
Precision Nutrition is so good at what they do they created a whole software program built around their education platform to track and teach.  Participants get daily email accountability through brief check ins (Y/N) and short lessons (10min or less).  They track results every 2 weeks and because they're a big deal, it's super fancy, polished and simple.  I thought about building something similar myself, but then I found their's and figured I'd use it instead because its awesome.  Heres a video for women and men about the Nutrition Coaching program if it interests you.  

How many meals per day?
Tomorrow I'll write about how many meals to eat per day based on your goals and schedule.  

Until then, enjoy eating with your hands.  :-)

Coach Mike

p.s.  if nutrition is the biggest opportunity for change for you and you think I can help, reply and let me know.

p.p.s.  reminder:  Saturday is Family Boot Camp day.  You can sign up now!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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