Subject: We're going Virtual Effective Today!

Hi Friend!

Let the adventure begin.

CYBBC is going virtual for the foreseeable future to take a proactive fight against the spread of the Corona Virus.  

I'm in the process of setting up a Zoom account.  I don't know much about it and I don't have all the answers figured out to all of my questions, but I'm grateful we live in the day and age that we do and that their are opportunities in abundance to still keep status quo while we wait for the world to overcome this situation.  

I imagine I'll shoot new challenge workouts to share with you, so you'll have them on demand.  You already have all the gear you need and the weather is getting better so you can train inside or out.  Then, what I hope Zoom will let me do is play the challenge workouts while we all sign in real time during our regularly scheduled training times:

6:00am, M / W / F
9:00am, M / W / F
6:30pm, M / T / Th

I'll either coach you through the camera while you train (you'll set up your camera, phone, tablet or laptop, so I can see you train) as we follow Mikey do the challenge workout.  

Or I may demonstrate on camera and then watch you train on your camera and coach you that way.

Or I may do the workout real time instead of replaying a challenge workout and coach you less and more just lead you, while we train together at the same time.   

Or I may coach Vanessa on camera so you can see a real person, while you train at the same time and I coach you, her and everyone else at the same time.

It's all new.  It's all unknown.  It's scary and it's exciting.  When in our lifetime have we ever experienced anything like this.  

What we know is that we need a strong immune system to fight a virus, because a weak immune system makes us more vulnerable.

We also know that we need a strong body, a strong mind and a strong spirit to both be our best selves and to face this new challenge, head on from a position of strength vs. stopping exercising, de-prioritizing self-care and letting the stress, sedentariness and fears eat away at our health, our thoughts and our attitudes.  No thank you.  Not for me.  Not for you.  No way.  Let Murphy go knock on someone else's door because if he comes knocking at my door he's going to regret it and wished he hadn't, so he better just move along.  Same for you.

Equipment and Workout Cards
I'll be making my way over to the Mackenzie Center this a.m. to open the closet and lay out the workout cards so you can collect your gear.  I won't be able to shoot a challenge workout today as it's daddy daughter day while Vanessa works virtually with her patients (thank goodness for technology), so it'll either be follow along (I'll workout) or I'll demonstrate and watch you workout and coach you.  At least we can do high fives again, albeit virtually.  

Questions, Comments and Feedback
Again since this is all new and sudden, I imagine you'll have questions.  You can call, text and email.  I'm here for you.  I love what I do and I care about you.  What's important to you is important to me.  Reach out and/or reply and I'll get back to you.  Text seems easiest to reply to little questions.  Email seems better for longer questions.  Calls are possibly the best choice for complicated questions.  

Just like with in person training, if you have any suggestions on how to make your experience better, please share them.  Let me know what it's like on the other side of the camera.  Let me know if you want to move back the 6am time or move up the 6:30pm time.  You know I'm very responsive.  

In closing.  Everything is better when you're strong.  Everything is worse when you're weak.  Choose to see this whole Corona Virus pandemic as an opportunity, and an adventure.  Something serious that brings the whole world together vs. dividing us and and something that you rise up to face from a position of strength, faith and confidence vs. the opposite.  

Making lemonade.

Your fellow human,

Coach Mike

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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