Subject: (Urgent) Summer Training & Beach Muscles

Hi Friend!

Welcome to June!  This week is record week and marks the last week of our phase and for our 2nd quarter.  Next week begins our 4 phase, summer quarter (Q3).  The urgency is 2-fold:  whether you want to train virtually for the summer and whether you want to buy equipment to use for summer training.

State Guidelines for Returning to Gyms
Phase 1 (current):  outdoor small group training up to 10 people including instructor.
Phase 2 (somewhere between 6/8-6/22):  personal training
Phase 3 (beginning of July):  gyms can return

Return Dates Being Considered for Us
  1. July 6 - when gyms return; CYBBC P8
  2. July 20 - 2-3 weeks after gyms re-open to see what happens
  3. Aug 3 - CYBBC, P9
  4. Aug 31 - CYBBC, P10; schools potentially return 9/8
  5. Sept 28 - CYBBC, Q4, P11; 2 weeks after schools potentially return;
  6. Jan 4, '21 - CYBBC, P1, 2021; when Harvard returns;

Considerations for Return
We'll have covid-19 guidelines to follow once we return.  This will alter our training style for a while, as it doesn't make sense to continually wipe everything down before and after everyone uses items and it'll affect setting up and breaking down equipment too, which will require both time to set up & break down, plus time to clean equipment after setting up and breaking down, which affects other commitments and renters.

Initial Considerations:
  • wearing a mask while training
  • team training vs. station training
  • extra spacing (leave small cones empty and use only tall cone stations)
  • commuting time
  • no leaving equipment in closet / bring equipment to train every time
  • no pull ups, TRX, med balls, hurdles, ladders or benches
  • wiping down personal floor space and personal equipment after training
  • are schools and daycares open?
  • are colleges back on campus?
  • other considerations I haven't yet thought of

Thought Proposal - Return Dates
Proposal #1:  We were proactive by going virtual (3/12/20), before mandated, so I propose waiting the minimum until after gyms re-open to see what happens (7/20, 8/3 or 8/31).  

Proposal #2:  My 2nd thought is to wait until after school starts to return (9/28).

Proposal #3:  Wait until all colleges are back on campus (Jan 2021).  

My Suggestion
9/28 or later:  We wait until kids are back in school plus a couple of weeks, so parents can take advantage of the new time they've gained to catch up (Calgon).   

Equipment Proposal
If we continue training virtually through Q3 (June, July, August and possibly part of September), you consider upgrading your home gym.

We have a potential once in a lifetime opportunity to train virtually on the regular and it would be sad if I didn't at least share with you what we could do training at home that we can't currently do training in gymnasiums.  And that's direct training of ABS & Obliques in an isolated and functional, injury prevention way.   

If everyone (or at least 90% of membership) agrees to invest ~$100 into home gym equipment, you may never use again, (unless you LOVE the programming), as a substitute for the plyometric training we do in the gym (med balls & hurdles), I'll revise our summer programming to train more beach muscles in a functional way.

Equipment to Consider (this is urgent due to shipping times)

if you get or have something different than what I suggest, what I program for exercises might not work for you, leaving you feeling a little frustrated.

2.  Trideer Exercise Ball - $31.99
55cm for shorter people, 65cm for avg height; I have 65cm, but prefer 55cm;
if you have one already, that's fine.  don't buy another; make sure it's burst resistant

3.  Fitnessery AB Roller - $24.77
if you already have an ab wheel / roller, you might be able to use it as long as it's strong enough for standing ab wheel rollouts

Other Items To Consider
I recommend you get 2 additional anchors so you can have an already done set up for high, middle and low, so you don't need to open the door and move them around.  It's not necessary.

Pull Up Bar (depends on free standing, doorway or installed) - $###?

Valslides - $12.98

Questions To Answer
1.  When do you think we should return?
2.  If it's September or later, would you invest in the Equipment to Consider?

Grateful to be your coach.

Still making lemonade,

Coach Mike

p.s.  what'd you do for cardio minutes?  we did 21/workout
p.p.s.  when do you think we should return?
p.p.p.s.  if it's Sept or later, would you invest in the equipment?

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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