Subject: Train with Me #4 and P6 Starts Tuesday night!

Hi Friend,

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, moms of angels, moms of fur baby's, your moms and grandmom's! I hope their was at the minimum a moment today where you felt appreciated.

Personal Update

My dad passed away Saturday night around 7:45pm. It is very sad and I have a lot of emotions. Obviously I'm heartbroken because my dad died and he meant a lot to me and a lot to a lot of other people. And I'm grateful to have known him, had my whole life with him and had all the extra time I did with him at the end.

Now that we're at the end, the funeral is the next step, however the funeral home is backlogged. The earliest they can get to him is T, 5/21. We don't yet have services scheduled, so I'm going to go back to work until then, but not Monday (see below), and when they are scheduled, I'll take some additional time to mourn with my family and get some closure.

Since today wasn't the best Mother's Day for my mom, my sister or Vanessa, there going to be a lot of make ups and rain checks coming for them as well. And since tomorrow is my mom's birthday, I'm going to take 1 more day off and go surprise her and meet her at the funeral home with my sister and join them for lunch.

Train with Me #4

That means no live workouts tomorrow, Monday, May 13.

Here is Monday's workout (B#5, a strong day).

Follow Along #1 (A#4, light & fast)

Follow Along #2 (B#4, light & fast)

Follow Along #3 (A#5, strong)*

*the video wasn't there at first, but it was within the hour after Carol pointed it out, so please try again if you like. it's there now.

Follow Along #4 (B#5, strong)

P5 Zoom Folder

P6, Week 1

Tuesday, May 14, we'll begin phase 6 with a regular schedule.

6:30pm, T @ MC

6am, 9am, W @ Virtual

6:30pm, Th @ MC

6am, 9am, F @ Virtual

I'll finish the P6 Overview and send out the links and workout cards Tuesday by 4pm.

Thank you for your patience. Let's keep the momentum going!


p.s. minutes are due tomorrow. we did 23min / workout last week!

p.p.s. pick one of these workouts and due it on Monday!

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