Subject: Tonights workout!

Hi Friend

Just a heads up that tonight is the 1st strength workout of
phase 4 and that it might get messy (joke).

Workout A, tonight’s main event, will be featuring for the
very 1st time in Change Your Body Boot Camps history, the

Yes, THE Sawblade, borrowed without permission from your
favorite world renowned magician show and known for its
astonishing and immediate body transformations will be present
for at least the next 4 weeks of your training program.

The SAWBLADE has been used by magicians for centuries to cut in
half favorite assistants for the delight of the audience using a
razor sharp & giant, multi-toothed blade.

Tonight, your expert coach, who is recently certified in watching
too many exercise videos, will be using THE Sawblade to cut off
unwanted pooches (we love dogs, but hate pooches) on willing
participants (also a joke).

The exercise has been known to cause prolonged soreness in the
anterior wall of participants and especially in the abdominal
region located beneath the umbilicus or belly button (not a joke).

Important Notice:

The Sawblade's lethal, pooch elimination qualities though are
remedied in effective unless activated with the potentially body
changing combination of daily exposure to H20 (around ½ your
body weight in ounces), win-win nutrition and excessive high
fives resulting from hitting or beating your weekly cardio goal
(also not a joke).

Friend, please consider this letter a fair warning of what
to expect in tonight & tomorrow’s classes and subsequent Tues /
Wed classes for the remainder of your phase 4.

Kind regards.

Your coach,

Mike Alves, EMW
Expert Magician Wannabe (this IS a joke)
Newton Boot Camp aka home of the Sawblade (not a joke)