Subject: This is what she get back on the wagon.

Hi Friend!

Last week, I did a 2 part email answering first what I did when I fell off the wagon and then what readers did when they fell off the wagon.  The simple answer in both parts was going back to square.  Starting with the basics.  Drink a glass of water.  Eat something green.  Plan your meals.  Eat breakfast.  Go to the grocery store.  Etc...

Here's another reader share.

"I typically get off track when I have been away from home or if I go to a gathering where drinks, appetizers and desserts are served."

Does this read familiar?

"What I do when I get off track is weigh myself, plan my grocery list for the week and then go grocery shopping."

Does this read simple?

"If I have a commitment after work and it is dark when I get home, I may not get to go for a run but I will take my dog for a walk in the neighborhood and feel better that I got some fresh air."

It's still simple!

Take Home Points
Most people get off track when they break from routine.

What you do after helps determine if you get back on track and how fast you get back on track.  

This person chooses to:
1.  weigh herself so she can get a baseline.  
2.  She plans her grocery list (presumably her meals) for the week, 
3.  then shops.  

And if life happens and she find herself at the end of the day, haven't yet completed her workout for the day, she adjusts her plan and does something simple.  She goes for a walk.  It makes her feel better and she gets some fresh air.  She also probably has a better sleep and start to her next day because of it.

Big Things
Your scheduled workouts are big things.
Races and sports are big things.
Planned adventures are big things.
Daily habits are big things.
These move your forward in big ways fast!

And Little Things
Going for a walk.
Drinking water first thing in the morning.
Stretching something.
Taking measurements.
Planning your meals.
Grocery shopping.
These also move you forward and they're the little things.  

Do some big, do some little and keep moving forward.  When you fall off the wagon, do something super simple to get back on track and then do another one.

Coach Mike

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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