Subject: The Quiet Stretch!

Hi Friend!

Happy day after a long weekend to you!  I hope you're feeling good and ready to get back on track with your goals for the week, month and year if you took a break from them this weekend.  I'm always grateful for any extra time I can get with my family and I'm also grateful to get to work on things I love like changing lives, my own training and growing a business.  I'm guessing you appreciate similar things like time well spent with people you care about and time to work on things important to you.  

One of the things I've been scheduling lately have been strategy session calls with both prospective members and current members to learn about where they are, where they want to go and how they can get there.  Since January is a resolution, reflection and goal setting month, you, like many others are probably highly motivated to make some changes.  Lucky for you this is a great period of time to do it.

The Quiet Stretch
I had a call last week and the member, pointed out that from January to June is a much quieter period on the calendar when compared to September to December (for most people except maybe accountants).  Most everyone knows that the fall is a ramp up in stress, but I haven't heard much talk about how quiet the winter + spring stretch is, until this client pointed it out.  You can get a lot done in quiet periods and thats a great thing to remind yourself of while you pursue your goals. 

This stretch is a great opportunity to make massive headway and progress.  The stars are lined up for you to be successful, so put your head down and go after your goals, while coming up for air, for rest and for recovery when appropriate.  Rest and recovery by the way are both physically resting and recovering so you can come back stronger and its having fun, because fun also helps you to come back stronger.  Maybe minimize the kinds of fun that leave you depleted and in need of more rest and recovery.  

Think about this.

  • The days get longer every day
  • In a little over 2 months the days get warmer and spring arrives
  • The Super Bowl
  • Public schools have winter break in Feb and spring break in April
  • Private schools and colleges have 1-2 week breaks in March
  • Presidents day in Feb
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • Easter & Passover
  • Patriots Day / Marathon Monday
  • Cindo de Mayo
  • Mother's Day
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Fathers Day
  • School's out / Commuting gets easier

Does that look stressful to you?  

It doesn't to me.  It looks easy and fun with good things to look forward to.

The perfect opportunity to make major progress on your goals.  Every day, get up and find a way to take a step forward.  Or better yet, as you close out your day, spend your tomorrow on paper, so you can get up and go without having to think too much.  Sometimes you'll take small steps, sometimes big, sometimes you step backwards and most of the time you step forwards.  You can do this.  Show up.  Do the best you can at that moment.  And do it again the next day.  

And if you're like me, find a way to build up your support circle too, so they can be their best selves.  One way we're working on it in my family is through scheduling our workouts, doing UGIG workouts, having family self-care days and making sure we do physical play with Vivi.  It's far from perfect because we're in the early stages, but its getting scheduled and when things get repeatedly scheduled, guess what happens?  They're more likely to get done.  

If you're a parent and/or have kids in your life and need ideas on how to both get your workout in and play with kids, I'll be doing our first Family Boot Camp of 2018, this Saturday, January 20, from 4-5pm at the Mackenzie Center.  If you'd like to see the videos of some of the past events (lots of smiles), learn more and/or sign up, you can do so now.  Go to  

In the meantime, enjoy the quiet period and take advantage of it.  The universe has conspired to make you super successful and they gave you a long stretch to make change happen.  "Can you capture it?"  (Eminem quote from Lose Yourself)

Taking my own advice,

Coach Mike

p.s.  here's the link for the family boot camp again, if you're interested.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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