Subject: Sprints Decrease Body Fat 9x Greater Than Endurance Training

Hi Friend!

Happy Wednesday to you!  World Cup soccer is coming up and I just got my first invite to watch a game.  Yay!  No U.S. this year, so I'll be rooting for Portugal per the norm and underdogs like Iceland.  One of the cool things about rooting for Portugal these days is they have Cristiano Ronaldo, one of 2 greatest players of his generation and a top player all time.  A unique thing about his style of play now that he's older, "33", is he walks a lot on the field and barely runs.  It almost looks lazy to the uniformed eye, but its very strategic and assassin like.  He conserves his energy and waits for moments to exploit his dominant traits of speed, ball handling and scoring.  He's really mastered this ability in the last number of years as he's won player of the year, Ballon d'Or, 4 of the last 5 years and 5 times overall.  Basically he does sprint intervals with full heart rate recovery (maximal recovery) over the course of 90minutes.  

Sprint Intervals vs Endurance Training
It's amazing that this study is from 1994 and HIIT (High Intensity Intermittent Training) is only hitting mainstream the last 10 years.  

Here are the highlights:
  • Young Adults
  • 20 Week Endurance Training (ET) vs. 15 Week HIIT
  • ET, n=17 (8men, 9women) vs. HIIT, n=10 (5m, 5w)
  • Mean estimated total energy cost of ET=120.4 MJ vs. HIIT=57.9MJ

"Despite its lower energy cost, the HIIT program induced a more pronounced reduction in subcutaneous adiposity compared with the ET program"

"When corrected for the energy cost of training, the decrease in the sum of six subcutaneous skin folds induced by the HIIT program was ninefold greaterthan by the ET program."

Coach's Notes:
  • College Age Study Participants
  • Sprint Intervals are more time efficient
  • Sprint Intervals are more effective for body composition changes
  • Sprint Intervals have better skeletal muscle metabolism
  • Sprint Intervals have greater full body, composition changes
  • Sprint Intervals have a carryover to sports
  • Sprint Intervals are what Ronaldo does.
  • Sprint Intervals are how you get faster.
  • Do sprints most of the time.  
  • If your "out of shape" do more aerobic work (resting heart rate above 60) and aerobic intervals (Complete Sports Conditioning)

Personalized Treadmill Workout
Speaking of sprint intervals...I'll be hosting another PTW event at Gym Source this weekend.  I've been working on the landing page and marketing pieces to attract their customer base, but its not ready, so I'll be opening up all 15 spots to my mailing list if you'd like to attend.  The #1 reason you want to attend, is this is an outstanding workout you can do at home, with most cardio pieces (treadmill, bike, rowing machine, elliptical, jump rope, ...), in a hotel room and at most gyms, that takes you from worst case (tired, stiff, jet lag, hungover, out of shape) or better to high energy and feeling great in 60 minutes or less.  It's one of my most proud, program design creations I've ever created, in how dramatically effective, safe, simple and fun it is.  

10am, Sat, June 9 @ Gym Source, Needham St. Newton
Remember there are only 15 treadmills so sign up early.

Ready for the day!

Coach Mike

p.s.  sign up here if you'd like to participate.

p.p.s.  add your name to wait list if you can't make it.

p.p.p.s.  if I can help you with your training, reply and let me know.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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