Subject: So far so good

Good morning Friend!

Yesterday was better.  I gotta say it feels huge, when you wake up before everyone else and get your special little routines in and self ready.  I pounded my 16 oz of water & took my vitamins.  Did my push ups and my personal corrective exercise routine.  Got dressed, shaved and ready for my day.  Vivi woke up.  We raced up the stairs to see who was first.  Got her changed and ready.  Made some spinach & mushrooms, served with eggs, mixed nuts and apples for breakfast.  Made & packed some snacks for the bunny (nuts & PBJ).  Packed my laptop, planner & journal and headed out to school.

Of course, daddy has been training Vivi to say, "run faster mommy".  "Go momma go!", so naturally I expected the same treatment and that's how we started our commute with some interval sprints to the T.  We arrived early to the park on a gorgeous morning, so what better way to help everyone peak & present their selves for the day and to the world than by chasing each other around, climbing, jumping and crawling to get some more activity in.   That was of course until the other parents arrived, and I got a little serious, for a moment while greeting, but then it was back to playing.  

If the day before, felt like a melt down kind of day that ended with a lot of perspective (and prayers), then today feels like the calm after the storm.  

Now I hope my back up plan if she doesn't nap keeps the good chi flowing.

Burning & learning (wink),

Coach Mike

p.s.  what do you do to build activity into your day?

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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