Subject: Sign Up for Phase 4 Now!

Yes Friend!!!  Spring is here, and winter

is over (fingers crossed)... I wrote too soon,  it’s

snowing in Boston right now.  (oh well)



Anyways, bring on the 2nd quarter and all of its

blooming and bright wonderfulness.   If you’re

like me you’re very much looking forward to

putting away the snow blower, snow shovels and 

winter clothes and you’re very much looking

forward to less bulky clothing, lighter footwear

and more outdoor workouts.



Since we’re talking about workouts, Change

Your Body Boot Camps just completed the 1st

three phases of its 2011 Intermediate year and

the 1st phase in which we implemented the whole

body foam roller warm up, new interval tempos

and the TRX Suspension Trainer as an exercise

station to complement the benches, weights, bands,

towel and partner exercises we do.  To say it

went well would be an understatement.  This was

the 1st phase ever in which members were coming

up to me before or after EVERY class or calling,

texting and/or emailing me to let me know how

sore their abs were.  The unique thing about this

statement was we didn’t have an ab finisher this

phase and soreness was reported after each

workout, not just 1 or 2 of the workouts.  This

means the workouts were more challenging and

targeted at areas concerning to you.




The 2nd quarter begins on Sunday, March 27, 2011

with Measurements & Orientation.   This quarter we’ll

have more of a fat loss emphasis and you’ll notice this

with the exercise reps decreasing, the exercise and/or

load intensity increasing and you should be able to “pinch

less”.  My goal for you is to have your training compliment

your spring sport activities while peaking for end of school /

summer beach weather. 



If you haven’t already signed up for phase 4, you have until

midnight, Thursday, March 24.  You can’t get younger,

but you sure CAN feel younger and more alive.  Get your

buddies and sign up now if you haven’t already.  Go to to sign up. 



Changing lives together.




Your coach,




Mike Alves


Newton Boot Camp

Newton Personal Trainer


p.s.  Go here to sign up:

p.p.s.  Send your friends here to sign up: