Hi Friend!
Great day to you!
Yesterday we celebrated my cousin Jonathon's birthday, aka, Johnny Hot Sauce. While we were there, I saw Vivi doing a push up w/ Jonathon's fiancee Lauren, aka, Laurinda. So naturally to encourage them, I ran over and banged out a quick 10 to support them. This led to a conversation about push ups and next thing you know Johnny Hot Sauce bets, Laurinda he'd do 10 push ups for every 1 she did (which were perfect, elbow cork-screwed, chest to floor, feet together and full scapular press at the top) and she got 4, which meant Jon had to do 40 (he topped out at 35).
Joey guns, my cousin Joe, and his wife Meg, then bet 3:1 that Joe could do 3 push ups for every 1 Meg did, so she banged out 20, which had everyone cheering her on. Very impressive. I wish her parents were there to see her awesomeness. This meant Joe had to do 60, but he chickened out b/c he said he'd sweat all week. So then it was Vanessa's turn and I know what Vanessa can and can't do (ballpark) b/c I wrote her program; and I know she just finished 3 sets of 12 push ups with a high knee march, which means her time under tension for that set is probably close to 60seconds per set, so she could probably do around 20 push ups with the kind of strength endurance if you take out the marches. So she says, she wants Jon & Lauren's 10:1 ratio and said, "no way!". I said, "I can do 100 push ups, but not straight, so if you let me do multiples sets, I'll get it done". And everyone said, "No!" It has to be straight. We'll shoot, I know she's gonna get around 20 push ups and 10:1 means I've gotta do 200, so she wouldn't budge. I offered 2:1, hoping she'd come down, but stubborn bride, trying to get an unfair deal with her BFP (best favorite partner). So that was the end of that, and then we started talking about how awesome everyone's push up technique was and what was so great about it.
So these cousins, usually join us for the Pre-Thanksgiving Burn & Earn Workout we do the morning of Thanksgiving, so some members have already met them and can imagine the banter. It also turns out that they do wall slides on the regular, as in daily for Joe and weekly for Lauren & Meg because they sit at desks each day and want to stand tall as they leave they're 20's. So good for them and good for us.
How are you doing? I'd love to know. Please reply and let me know and when you do, also let me know about your cardio minutes.
Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6:00am 20 20 20 60
9:00am 20 20 20 60
6:30pm 20 20 20 60