Subject: She napped in her bed...YAY!!!


She finally napped, Friend!

I can't believe it.  It's amazing.  It happened yesterday when Vanessa had mommy daughter day.  She texted me during my office hours and wrote, 

V: She's asleep
V: Thank you Jesus
M: No.
M: Wow. Amazing. Champagne?
M: Amen!
V: Yes!! The spell has been broken!!!
V: What time u be home?
V: Omg completely different kid I could cry
She slept for 90 minutes!

So awesome.  

And talk about a different kid...
Vivi making pen portraits on her canvas!
Vivi living her life, 1 kick & pull at a time!

What does this have to do with you?
Persistence.  Grit.  Determination.  Stick-to-itiveness.  Hope.  Prayers.  Faith.  Help.  Support.  

It has everything to do with you.  

There are no guarantees Vivi will nap two days in a row, but the last time she napped regularly in her bed was the last week of July before we vacationed with friends.  Then 1 thing after another kept interfering with her naps and she finally decided she didn't need them, even though she really does.  

We've cried, held in screams, smashed pillows, blew off steam going for walks, prayed, talked, sought support from fellow parents, blogs, pediatricians, books, you name it.  

Take Home Message
You already know this, so it's a reminder.  If you persist through tough times, dark times, challenging times, frustrating times, all those times when things are hard and everything feels heavy, it becomes your norm.  It becomes your grind.  When you keep grinding and working your path, fighting for your goal, your dream, your hope, your desire, you get resourceful, a little crazy (or maybe a lot) and you find a way to make it happen.  And then you get a sliver of light and it's rewarding, renewing and refreshing.  You can see what could be.  You know your close and you know the habits your forming while you change and work the grind will be worth it, even if land on the moon instead of your star.  Even if she doesn't nap today or you don't fully realize your goal as dreamed.  You'll still gain the hard earned habits.  And those are the gold which are sometimes more valuable than the goal.

Yesterday everyone who trained PR'd on Chin Ups.  Today and tomorrow everyone will PR on Push Ups and other exercises.  Saturday we'll track measurements and next week we'll finish our workout cards.  We're working the grind.  We're training.  We're building up our tolerance with being uncomfortable and we're kind of enjoying it.  We're definitely enjoying getting better.  

We all have to grind when we work towards goals and grinding is like training in that its the process.  Grinding and training build character.  It sharpens our saws, our minds and our habits.  It can make us better people in all ways.  And with thoughtful planning, course correcting and luck we'll achieve what we aimed for.  And maybe we'll get slivers of hope along the way, like a long overdue nap.

Grinding for results,

Coach Mike

p.s.  Phase 12 starts Monday, October 30.  Measurements & Orientation are Saturday.  If you want to fine tune your training plan, reply and let me know.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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