Hi Friend!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, filled with all things you enjoy and love and all the people you enjoy spending time with. Now that you're hopefully all filled up with lots of goodness and maybe too much in some ways and not in enough in others, and you're probably thinking about your self-care and how to do it better in 2020.
Since January is here and we're off to the races and hitting the ground running. It's back to the pavement and treadmills and mats. Back to the grocery perimeters, cutting boards and meal prep. Back to doing the things that make you feel good and doing less of the things that make you feel not so good.
There are many keystone things to making your self-care a priority and make your results real and lasting. One of them is scheduling your self-care. You can eat a holiday feast all by yourself, if you took one bite at a time and kept going until it was done. And the same can be said if you schedule your self-care and keep showing up until the habit is part of your identity and you do it automatically.
So while you're clearing up any left-over messes from year end and finishing any left-over holiday food, schedule your self-care and get your first workout in or get your first workout in and schedule the rest. The master schedule always wins out because it takes the thinking energy out of the equation, so you just show up and go through the motions until it's a part of you.
Happy Training,
Coach Mike