Subject: Schedule change this week!

Hi Friend,

Great P12, Week 2 to you!

2 Quick Things:

Schedule Change This Week
6:00am, M / W / F @ BG
9:00am, M / W / Th  @ MC*
6:30pm, M / T @ MC**
*9a, F switched to Th w/ Marisa coaching due to Holly Harvest Fair
**6:30p, T rescheduled to most likely Mon, Dec 21, due to Holly Harvest Fair

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time         Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am    21                17                 19                57
9:00am    18                17                 19                54
6:30pm    18                17                 19                54
Please reply with your minutes if you haven't already reported.   

See you soon,

Mike Alves

p.s.  please update your schedule with the BC changes (Helen, please update the google calendar)

p.p.s.  please reply with your cardio minutes.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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