Subject: Schedule Reminder: No Classes Monday!

Hi Friend!

Happy Long Weekend to you!

I am riding high from Workout B and boy does that workout get the juices flowing. I'm definitely feeling primed for some spiderman tag with our pod family tonight, yard work this weekend and visiting my parents (dad finished his first cycle of chemo, which means 4 treatments). Nothing grand for this long weekend over here, but all mindful, soul filling activities which does a and this spirit good.

Holiday Schedule

Monday - no classes

6:30p, T - in person

6:00a, W - virtual

9:00a, W - virtual

6:30p, Th - virtual

6:00a, F - virtual

9:00a, F - virtual

Workout Schedule Next Week

mornings: AB

evenings: BA


6:30p, T - in person (workout B)

6:00a, W - virtual (W-A)

9:00a, W - virtual (W-A)

6:30p, Th - virtual (W-A)

6:00a, F - virtual (W-B)

9:00a, F - virtual (W-B)

P11 Themes

Week 1: Intro Week & Unloading (1 Round)

Week 2: Increased Volume: Less Teaching / More Coaching (1+1 Rounds)

Week 3: Record Week #1: finish your set, but don't start a new set (2+ Rounds)

Week 4: Record Week #2: finish your set before the bell (2+ Rounds)

Forward Progress

Including next week you have 10 weeks straight of training. That's a lot of time to build momentum and make serious change happen. This phase and next are our overreaching phases, where we're going to push it and look to make gains.

Life stress goes down, training stress goes up.

Come P13, post Thanksgiving to the end of the year, we'll do a Power Endurance / Peaking Phase. We'll drop the DB Loads and it'll feel more like a taper, unloading phase, very similar to September's phase.

Life stress goes up, training stress goes down.

Why you train?

There are many reason you train. It makes you feel good if not great. You get to feel strong. You get to sweat. You get to breathe hard, when you're supposed to breathe hard, so you don't breathe hard or sweat, when you're not supposed to. It's fun. Fun to move, learn & practice new skills and be, meet and beat challenges. It's social. It's a commitment to yourself. There's accountability. You, me, we all need a little accountability. It primes you for your day and week. It resets you when you lose your way. It helps you work out your tight & stiff spots, so you can do something about them vs. just talking about them. It helps you peak for special events. It helps you manage your body composition so your clothes fit the way you like them too. It lets you say yes, to fun activities and opportunities. It shapes your attitude and outlook for the best. Hopeful, positive, possible. It helps sharpen your swagger and brings out your inner self confidence. It's part of the identity you want to be known for. Someone who does. Someone who makes time. Someone who's athletic and can do cool stuff. That's you. That's why you train.

Keep living your active lifestyle.

We'll circle back next week.

Coach Mike

p.s. if you love what we do, here are 3 ways you can help us to grow:

  1. email introduce someone who'd love what we do

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