Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079
Passcode: gumby
Zoom Recordings
If you want to get 1 more workout in this weekend, here's the zoom recordings folder.
Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Gym 25min
Virtual: 23min / workout. Hoo-Rah!
Year End Survey
Thank you to everyone who's completed this. Any big or little changes you see most likely came from suggestions by your peers.
Q1, P2
Starts, Monday, January 25, 2021.
Guest Weeks
If you know someone who'd love what we do, you can either
1. email introduce them
Hope to see you tomorrow,
Coach Mike
p.s. here's the Saturday Stretch Zoom Link again:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079
Passcode: gumby