Subject: Reminder: ND&GST, Cardio Minutes & Guest Day

Snowy Sunday to you!

I hope you've had a restful weekend and you're looking forward to another great day!  Today is a big day for New England with the Patriots playing the Denver Broncos and hopefully our team is able to come home winners.

Nutrition Discussion (ND) & Grocery Shopping Tour (GST)
Today is also the P1 ND&GST.
10-11:00a, ND
John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club
675 Watertown Street,
Newton, MA  02460

11:15-12p, GST
Stop & Shop
171 Watertown Street
Newton, MA  02460
Please print and bring the linked handout with you.  If you're tight on paper, print & bring only pages 5-10.

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
Time             Day 1             Day 2            Day 3             Total
6:00am        15                   20                 15                    50
9:00am        15                   20                 15                    50
6:30pm        15                   20                 15                    50
To review weekly cardio minute goals, how to report your minutes and/or review the interval training program handout, please click here.

Local Guest Day
Local guest day is Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  Please copy, paste & share this link with your guest:

There are 3 steps you're guest will need to complete 1-day in advance of participation so we both can prepare. 
(1) will be filling out the contact form,
(2) will be filling out the waiver and
(3) will be to make sure they have the right equipment for that day.  Either their own, sharing yours or sharing mine. 

Local Guest Day
6:30pm, Tues, Jan 21 @ MC
6:00am, Wed, Jan 22 @ BG
9:00am, Wed, Jan 22 @ MC

Out of Town Guest Day is anytime.  This means you can bring out of town guests anytime, but they must complete the same steps as above.  I don't want you to miss workouts and they probably don't want to miss workouts either.

Go Pats and Happy Sunday!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  here's the link for the nutrition handout.

p.p.s.  cardio minutes are due tomorrow.  If you're not in class, you're expected to text or email them to me.

p.p.p.s.  here's the link for the guest day sign up.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.