Hi Friend,
Gorgeous day to you!
Tonight We'll be doing workout B as in Bananas for tonight. It'll be B#4, so it'll be light and fast (15-35%BW) if it's your 4th B workout or if you're feeling run down, under rested or beat up. If you're feeling strong, rested or energized then go strong (25-45%BW).
If you're training with us, please remember: complete symptom survey prior to 6pm. bring your mask wash your hands before and after get temperature check upon arrival bring your equipment come ready to have an awesome experience and get a little better! enter through the left and leave through the right.
See you tonight or see you soon,
Coach Mike
p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes last week (we did 22min / workout)?
p.p.s. As we slowly ramp up for a 9/27 return to full time in person training, consider helping to upgrade the HVAC systems to Merv-13 filtration. Join Melissa, Liz, Emily D and Scott who already contributed to the BG & MC upgrades. You can learn more and contribute here.
p.p.p.s. If you love BC and think it's 5 star worthy, please share a google review (MC or BG). It's a small ask that can have a long lasting impact for me & CYBBC. Thank you. I'm grateful.