Subject: Reminder: 6:30pm tonight is @ Mackenzie!

Hi Friend,

Gorgeous day to you!


We'll be doing workout B as in Bananas for tonight. It'll be B#4, so it'll be light and fast (15-35%BW) if it's your 4th B workout or if you're feeling run down, under rested or beat up. If you're feeling strong, rested or energized then go strong (25-45%BW).

If you're training with us, please remember:

  • complete symptom survey prior to 6pm.

  • bring your mask

  • wash your hands before and after

  • get temperature check upon arrival

  • bring your equipment

  • come ready to have an awesome experience

  • and get a little better!

  • enter through the left and leave through the right.

See you tonight or see you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes last week (we did 22min / workout)?

p.p.s. As we slowly ramp up for a 9/27 return to full time in person training, consider helping to upgrade the HVAC systems to Merv-13 filtration. Join Melissa, Liz, Emily D and Scott who already contributed to the BG & MC upgrades. You can learn more and contribute here.

p.p.p.s. If you love BC and think it's 5 star worthy, please share a google review (MC or BG). It's a small ask that can have a long lasting impact for me & CYBBC. Thank you. I'm grateful.

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