Hi Friend!
Another beautiful Tuesday to you and happy last week of phase 4.
Based on Mass.gov guidelines we can have 30 people, spaced 6ft apart, which means we're almost back to normal. When we don't have to wipe everything down, we can use all of the equipment again. When everyone's vaccinated or they tell us we don't have to anymore, we can stop wearing masks. Until then. We make-a, da best-a lemonade!
If you feel comfortable come train with us. If not, use the recordings.
Remainder of Week
Tonight and tomorrow are Workout A for Awesome and they're both strong days. Thursday is also workout A and Friday is workout B. Both will be light and fast. Saturday is the advanced foam rolling routine (7:30-8am), followed by the recovery stretch (8-9am). Next week there is Newton Public School, Spring Vacation, so it'll be our empowerment week.
If you're training with us, please remember:
complete symptom survey prior to 6pm.
bring your mask
wash your hands before and after
get temperature check upon arrival
bring your equipment
come ready to have an awesome experience
and get a little better!
enter through the left and leave through the right.
See you tonight or see you soon,
Coach Mike
p.s. we did 23min/workout last week and we'll get 23min/workout this week.
p.p.s. I'm over halfway to paying off the B&G Club HVAC update, then I'll do the Mackenzie Center. Thank you Melissa M, Liz D, Emily D and Scott T for supporting improved circulating air. Want to help push us over the top to upgrade the HVAC filtering systems to Merv-13, HEPA filters at the boys & girls club and mackenzie center? You can contribute here.
p.p.p.s. If you love BC and think it's 5 star worthy, please share a google review (MC or BG).