Subject: Reminder: 6:30pm tonight is @ Mackenzie!

Hi Friend!

Beautiful Tuesday to you! We're in the last 2 weeks of our 1st quarter and these are the best 2 weeks of the quarter when change can happen the fastest. Find a way to present your best self to as many workouts as you can and let's set some PR's together. Also. I got 24e on the mountain climber 25e by the end of the bell, so, there's the new challenge for you to match.


B for Bananas is tonight's workout! If you're feeling the spring vibes and you want to come train in person, rsvp by completing the symptom survey below.

If you're training with us, please remember:

  • complete symptom survey prior to 6pm.

  • bring your mask

  • wash your hands before and after

  • get temperature check upon arrival

  • bring your equipment

  • come ready to have an awesome experience

  • and get a little better!

  • enter through the left and leave through the right.

See you tonight or see you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. we did 22min/workout virtually and in the gym last week. please reply with your minutes.

p.p.s. Also, have you noticed the recent conversations in the media about returning to school full time and indoor dining at restaurants and the need for adequate ventilation (windows open and/or upgraded HVAC's). Help upgrade the HVAC filtering systems to HEPA filters at the boys & girls club and mackenzie center by contributing here.

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