Subject: Regular Schedule Monday. Are you training?

Beautiful Saturday to you Friend,

I'm writing from the Harvard Public Library where Vivi and 3 others are, "librarian for the day" as part of their summer reading program reward, and I found a seat with a beautiful view of Bear Hill Pond.

P11, Week 2 Recap

We increased the weight, reps and training time this week (shorter demos = more sets / rounds). These built in PR's are examples of progressive resistance overload and subtle or not so subtle ways that remind you that you're getting better every workout.

Quiet Periods

Quiet Periods was my failed attempt at describing the period of time from late September to Thanksgiving, but it was made clear that for many it's anything, but quiet at work.

We have come up with some definitions for this period of time:

  • less external demands of your time

  • more opportunities for training

  • flow period

  • busy period

  • fully scheduled period = 3rd week of September to Halloween

  • summer = flexible schedule

  • late August / beginning of September = jumping into flexible schedule

  • Halloween through the end of the year = gradual ramp up into overscheduled

We're still in need of a word or phrase to label this period of time. If you got one, please share it.

Essence of Invigoration

When I realized I didn't have my finger on the pulse of what you're thinking and experiencing (e.g. quiet period), that led me to look at other areas of your time in CYBBC, specifically in the workouts, to wonder if you were experiencing the feelings, I thought you might get from your workouts.


  • invigoration

  • exhilaration

  • energized

  • awesome

  • bad ass

  • body confident

So I asked the 9am class on Wednesday, what how they felt before and after the DB Complex (Hang Cleans and Forward Lunges) and they said:

  • tired

  • exhausted

  • wiped out

  • sweaty

When I pointed out that if I used that in my marketing, "Come train at CYBBC where you can get tired, exhausted, wiped out and sweaty", everyone laughed and realized that nobody would want to come if that was the pitch, so then people realized that:

  • they feel better after the workout, after a little bit of rest & later

  • those are desired feelings because it reminds you of Rocky training

  • those feelings are short lived

  • you feel energized later

  • you feel more awake after

  • you sleep better because of the training

and that there might be an essence of invigoration, a hint of exhilaration in the moment and later, but it's not the dominant sensation at the moment.

Question for you to ponder:

If we all feel tired, exhausted, wiped out and sweaty during and after hard training, why do you do it and keep doing it? What makes you show up again? There must be a reason. Please share what that it.

Bereavement & Curriculum Make Ups

The last of the bereavement make up days is Indigenous People's Day, Monday, 10/14. It was a mornings only make up (see pic below), but we'll include the 6:30pm @ Virtually, to make up for the Curriculum Night cancellation from T, 10/1, that would have been a virtual workout (we trained M / T @ MC that week).


Monday, 10/14

6:00am, M @ Virtual

9:00am, M @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual

P11, Week 3 - Record Week #1

This week, we'll be aiming for running time, to get 2 rounds of every exercise pair / circuit and some more PR's.

Our training schedule will be:

a.m. M / W / F @ Virtual

p.m. M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC


Our workout schedule will be:

a.m. A / B / A

p.m. A / B / A

Our strong vs. light & fast schedule will be:

a.m. M: 15-35%, W: 15-35%, F: 25-45%

p.m. M: 25-45%, T: 15-35%, Th: 15-35%

10 Hours In Bed

Tonight and/or Tomorrow night, try to stay in bed for 10 hours and note how you perform the next day. If you feel sluggish when you wake, get a jump start with a walk, stretch, workout and/or sport.

Weekend Workout

Sun, 10/20, from 7:30-8:30am @ NN

Cardio Minutes

We did 25min / workout and 75 for 3-days.

Minutes are due Monday

My librarian is back. I wish you a great rest of the weekend. See you next week.


p.s. are you training on Monday? if yes, what time? Please reply and let me know.

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