Subject: Record Week and Training Thoughts

Hi Friend!

Happy Monday to you and T-Minus 1 Week Until the 4th of July (Wow, that came quick!).

How are you feeling today? How's your body feeling? How was your training and self-care last week? You can reply and answer these questions because I care and I want to know.

Yesterday we celebrated my dad's 66th birthday. My retired aunt and uncle were there and they were so proud to share that they've been going to the gym 3x/wk. My aunt likes the cardio machines and my uncle likes the strength machines. They both mentioned weight loss, energy and peer support as some of the biggest benefits they've experienced as well as decreased pain. They also mentioned they thought they'd have lost more by now (sound familiar). I tried to be a caring and supportive friend with my listening, celebrating their new habits & wins and exploring what their intrinsic motivation is and what it feels like to go, do and finish.

The conversation sparked all the questions I didn't ask or project as to why they saw weight loss, why the scale hasn't reversed back, why it's stalled, what they need to do to keep it moving and does it really matter so long as they're enjoying going, doing and the results that come from it. One thought I had reminded me of the National Weight Control Registry's summation of facts that people who've lost 30 lbs. or more and have sustained it for at least 5 years.

In any event I encouraged her to add the circuit strength training to her routine and for my uncle to add some cardio if he could find a method that worked for him.

Now having reviewed that image, what stands out to you? What stands the most to me are the 90+%'s.

  • 98% modified food intake

  • 94% increased physical activity w/ most frequent form of activity being walking

  • 90% exercise ON AVERAGE, about 1 hour per day.

You know all of this already. You're already living the athlete lifestyle. If you need to fine tune things revisit those 3 bullet points (what you're eating, adding more walking and exercising at least an hour per day).

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

We did 23 min / workout last week.

Record Week

We'll do the full workout, running time. Your goal is 2 rounds if you've trained 2 weeks, 1+1 if you've trained 1 week and 1 round if you haven't trained yet this phase or if you feel really crappy and just need to move, but not be challenged.

More (3 or more reps): Strong vs. Fast

If you're rested, feeling energized and want to train strong, then you'll train strong. Use higher levels, more resistance (suggested DB Load = 20-40%) or more reps (1 rep for left right or 2-part exercises [e.g. push up to downward dog], and 2 reps for 2-arm or 2-leg exercises). Basically ask yourself if you could do 3 or more reps and if the answer is yes, do more. If the answer is no, stay. Or make it even simpler and ask if you could do more or if you're good. If you could do more, do more, if you're good, stay.

If you're tired, beat up and/or under rested, train fast. Your job is to recover. We'll do that by doing less, moving fast and saving up all the extra energy you didn't use and that you mined by moving fast, to accumulate a huge pile of excess energy that you can use in your day and over the week. You too will ask if you could do more and if the answer is yes, then it's perfect. Stay there. If the answer is no, then you need to go lighter, do an easier level, do fewer reps, do fewer sets or take longer rests. Be aware that if your "more" status changes into a "you're good" or it's "too hard" or you start moving slow, then you need to drop set to an easier level, take more rest, do fewer reps or fewer sets.

Personal Records (PR's)

Every workout is a chance for instant feedback that you got better. Showing up is an attendance PR. Doing more on 1 set of any exercise is a workout PR. There's a chance that you can get a PR on every exercise and all those PR's add up to change and progress.

Weekend Workout (WW) - Stretch & Sprint

7-8am, Saturday, July 2 @ MC

Come get loose, move fast and build some camaraderie w/ your peers.

Empowerment Week (EW) - No Live Classes

Sun, 7/3 to Sun, 7/10

Here's the EW Plan and here's the recordings. #KeepGoing!

Workout Schedule

6:00a.m., M / W / F = BAB

9:00a.m., M / W / F = BAB

6:30p.m., M / T / Th = ABA

a.m. = B#3, A#4, B#4

p.m. = A#3, B#4, A#4

*all classes this week are virtual. The tentative plan is to return to 6:30pm, T / Th @ MC, the week of 7/11.

Guest Weeks

Local vs. Out of Town

Local = 1st 2 weeks of every phase, except September which is all month long.

Out of Town = anytime

To bring a guest you can do an email introduction, share this link or coordinate with me before or after class.

Happy training!


p.s. what'd you do for minutes last week?

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