Great Friday to you, Friend!
I hope you've enjoyed this phase. 3 weeks down and 3 weeks to go for our 6 week jump start. Monday starts, Phase 2. There is NO EMPOWERMENT WEEK, next week. Keep practicing your nutrition habit and prepare to choose a new habit for Monday (attached are the nutrition habits). Remember when choosing your next habit, that you have to make it easy to do every day. You need to have a 9 out of 10 confidence level that you can do it everyday. If you can't do every meal, can you do 2 meals per day. If not 2 meals, can you do 1 meal. DON'T choose to habits at once. That's setting you up to fail. If you did that last phase, then you have to do the same two again this phase.
When you make excuses to skip measurements, you're most likely going to succumb to the weight gain creep at the end of the year. "It's so easy to manage my weight", said no busy adult, with responsibilities, ever! If you're in town, find a way to be here. It's a good habit to eat more thoughtfully the 48 hours prior to PM's and kick a** weigh ins and extra fun to celebrate afterwards. It's data. Not an attack on you personally.
Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6:00am 22 22 22 66
9:00am 22 22 22 66
6:30pm 22 22 22 66
Minutes are due Monday. Plan accordingly!
Your coach,
Mike Alves
p.p.s. attached is the nutrition habit sheet. Please choose your next one, so you can record it on Monday.