Subject: RSVP Now for Private Measurements, C3's and the ND!

Hi Friend!

Happy Thursday to you!  

Tonight and tomorrow are the last 2 days of September's, phase 10 and our Q3.  Monday starts a new quarter, phase and theme.

Right now however is your chance to sign up for a private measurements check in to see where you are and what you need to do to peak for holiday hotness.  Then once you sign up you, can also sign up for the nutrition discussion if you want a refresher or you need more support and consider signing up for a Custom Corrective Cardio plan if you want a custom plan to help you stay on course when you're not training with us.

P11, Private Measurements
7-9am, Sat, Sept 28 @ MC
"What gets measured, gets managed!" - Peter Drucker.  

If body composition is important to you, then tracking your data regardless of what it is, is a common sense way to learn the results of how you're living currently, so you have information to work with moving forward if you want to make a change.  

Custom Corrective Cardio (C3)
7-9am, Sat, Sept 28 @ MC
This is my version of a pre-packaged, customized program, to give you a plan to address your aches, work on your body composition and/or enhance your performance.  

You'll get interviewed and movement screened first so we can collect information to understand better what you want to address and what needs to be addressed.

Then, I'll design a custom program built around the time you have, how often you want to do the routine, where you want to do it, what equipment you'll have access to and any deadlines / events / dates you'll be training for.

Last, we'll meet privately to deliver the experience and program, so you can learn it in a 1-to-1 setting and have your questions answered in real time.  

If this is for you, you can learn more here.  

When you're ready, RSVP by reserving 5 time slots here.

Nutrition Discussion (ND)
1:45-3:45p, Sat, Sept 28 @ MC
In your heart of hearts, you know what you need to do to make the changes you want to make and how to make them stick and lasting.  You probably only need a strong why, a kick in the pants and/or a friend (coach) to help you get started and support you on your way.  

RSVP Now to start showcasing all your hard work training by matching it with thoughtful choices in the kitchen, at the table and in the restaurant.

12 weeks and 2 days until the end of the year!

Supporting your transformation,

Coach Mike

p.s.  sign up here for Private Measurements!

p.p.s.  reserve 5 slots if you're going to do a C3 and pre-pay here.

p.p.p.s.  wanna talk food and health, body transformation and performance?  RSVP here.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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