Subject: RSVP Now for P10's PM, plus here are Challenge Workouts and Cardio Minutes!

Hi Friend, 

Great Friday to you!  Vanessa and I celebrate our 7 year anniversary of meeting this weekend.  Good 'ole Tia Lauren will be babysitting Vivi, while the Queen and I stare deeply into each others eyes with giddy enthusiasm while playing PitBull's, "I Know You Want Me" on one of our phones.  Aww it sure brings me back.  Alicia was there that night celebrating our 2009, Change Your Body Challenge Kick Off with her two gal pals and the O'Leary Trio (Jenny, Donna and Debbie) + 1 were also there in attendance.  Wow!  Time sure flies.  I sure am grateful to be married to my bride, get to train all of you and especially get to still train both Alicia and Jenny.  Hugs!

P10, Private Measurements!
7-9am, Sat, Sept 24 @ MC

P9, Challenge Workouts
pdf: CW's

video: CW#2 (max sets in 20min; G=8)
video: CW#3 (14rds AFAP; G=<30min)
video: CW#4 (7 courses + 2rd DB Complex AFAP; G=<5min)

Do you want to build momentum for the final quarter of the year?
Do you have momentum from a great phase of training?
Schedule all 3 CW's.  Start with #2 b/c it's the shortest and work your way to the last one, which is the longest and most challenging.  When I say long, it's still about 60min including warm up and cool down without a commute if you do it at home.  The short one is just over 40min with warm up and cool down.  

You can stream the videos, download the videos and/or use the pdf.  Be sure to record your results on your workout card, then Like, Comment, Subscribe & Share so I know how it goes for you.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1           Day 2           Day 3           Total
6:00am      21                21                 21                63
9:00am      21                21                 21                63
6:30pm      21                21                 21                63
You know the drill.  Minutes are due Monday.  

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  Famous Quote "I regret making time to do the challenge workouts!"  - said by no one ever!

p.p.s.  schedule & do your CW's.  You'll build or continue to build momentum and you'll be glad you did. 

p.p.p.s.  RSVP Now for Private Measurements!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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