Subject: RSVP Now for P10 Private Measurements & Nutrition Discussion!

Hi Friend!

Great Friday to you!

I think the changing of the quarters like the changing of the seasons is a refreshing way to break up the calendar year and life in general, into shorter term, more manageable sprints and time stamps. It's so fun right now getting around because the roads are quiet. There's a calmness everywhere, but when you go to the stores, and see the school supplies and Halloween costumes, you know what's coming. 

This week has brought back the humidity that's been missing for most of the summer, compared to years past. It's a great reminder and metaphor for training and life that if you can do tough things in tough weather and during tough times, when both the weather and the times improve, you'll be stronger, faster, fitter and better off. I write this for you, me and everyone because it's powerful. The humidity will be gone in mid-September and if you train and run and work through the stickiness, uncomfortableness and difficult to breathness (a'hem Stephanie, Lisa, Krista, Michaela, Emily, ...) you'll present your best self to the end of your September.  

Same goes for working through the tough times of life (you know who you are).  Stay present in the moment, take 1 step at at time, keep going and keep showing up.  Eventually you'll work your way through the tough times.  They won't last forever.

P10, Private Measurements
7-9am, Sat, Aug 26, 2017 @ MC
Something happened for me in July, in which I reversed course on all the progress I made (I splurged a lot).  It happens.  I'm working my way back on track.  These PM time stamps help me stay on track.  I may be a coach and live the active lifestyle, but I'm also human and vulnerable to the same things as you are.  I can make the time for 5 minutes and to be more thoughtful on Th & F leading up to it.

Note:  I'm almost ready to deliver the Custom Corrective Cardio (C3) for 2017 FAB#1 winners.  If you're here and want to schedule your Functional Movement Screen, sign up for 4 spots.

P10, Nutrition Discussion
1:30-2:45p, Sat, Aug 26, 2017 @ MC
Do you need a refresher?  Are you ready for a progression change?
RSVP Now and be sure to give me your update and what you want to work on so I can prepare.

Reminder that next week is Empowerment Week, so there are no classes.  The Challenge Workouts are ready to go if you need shorter, fast convenient workouts.  Otherwise finish your workout cards and substitute linear hand fires and lateral hand fires for MB Overhead Throws and MB Alt. Front Twists.  We return on Labor Day, Monday, Sept 4.  If you can't make the mornings because of travel, plan on attending the 6:30pm, so you can jump start your week.

Happy Weekend!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

Burn & Earn

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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