Subject: RSVP Now for 2016, P1, PM!

Hi Friend!

How's your day starting?  Are you going out to celebrate tonight?  The V's and I will be hanging in, maybe watch a movie or two or maybe not.  Most likely we'll chase Vivi around playing the, "I get you" game.  Next we'll do figure 8's around all the furniture in her new, "beep beep car"; then maybe we trade growls & roars (she's got a mean baby Tiger roar", while wrestling, and last we'll trade squeezes and make "V" or daddy sandwiches.  Yeah.  That reads about right.  Thinking back to all of the NYE parties I've been to, this one reads just as fun if not better and certainly different and new . 

Anyways, no matter what you do or don't do, what you did or didn't do, tomorrow's are always a fresh start and new beginning just like today was and yesterday was.  You don't have to wait until a new calendar year to make new goals, even if it's helpful, but you already knew this.  You decide and then do it.  Let me help you with your 2016 health, body transformation and performance goals by presenting an opportunity for increased accountability. 

P1, Private Measurements
RSVP Now for 2016, P1, PM!

If you're not satisified with the results from your latest physical, how your clothes feel and/or your work/life/sports performance then start telling yourself all of the reasons you can and will make changes and then back up your words with ACTION by RSVP'ing to P1, PM and finding out where you're starting from.  It feels good to achieve.  Come say hi and let's do this together.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  RSVP Now!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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