Subject: Q4 Playlist & Guest Day Reminder

TNLAFW Friend!  Right? 

What is TNLAFW?  Simply, "There's Nothing Like A Friday Workout!"  Of course right?  I mean what better way to prime & peak for your weekend than transitioning from the work week with a de-stressing & energizing CW!  :-)  And what better way to compliment this transition & workout than with some awesome music to get you feeling good.  Why not share what's currently on your playlist, shazam list or what you heard recently on the radio that got you to turn up the volume!

Q4, CYBBC Playlist
Do you have any suggestions for the next playlist?  Please share it here.

P11, Guest Days
6:30pm, Tues, Oct 6 @ MC
6:00am, Wed, Oct 7 @ BG
9:00am, Wed, Oct 7 @ MC
Just a reminder.  Here's the magic link to share.

See you Monday!

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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