Subject: Q4, Phase 11 Overview - Part 2

Hi Friend,

Phase 11 has started. It's a 4 week, hypertrophy phase. It's going to be refreshing and familiar while helping you to peak for Holiday Hotness and Winter Sports. Here are your links in case you were searching your email for them.

Links for phase 11:

Q4 Overview

Themes: Holiday Hotness & Winter Sports Ready

The program is aiming to help you look & feel your best come holiday season starting with Thanksgiving and continuing through New Year's Eve. It's also looking to help you perform at your best for the coming winter sports season. It won't help you with your skills as you'll still need to practice those, but it well help you to be more in shape, athletic, strong and resilient to participate in them.

Q4 Schedule: Sept 25 to Dec 15 (12 Weeks Straight)

Phase 11: Sept 25 to Oct 20 (4on, 0off)

Phase 12: Oct 23 to Nov 17 (4on, 0off)

Phase 13: Nov 20 to Dec 15 (4on, 2off)

No Live Workouts: 10/9, 10/31, 11/9, 11/10, 11/23, 11/24

Weekend Workouts: 10/22, 11/19

Holly Harvest Festival (week of 11/13): 6:30pm, M / T @ MC; Th @ Virtual

Thanksgiving Family Workout: 11/23

Empowerment Weeks: 12/16/23 - 1/1/24

Periodization & Suggested DB Loads

Linear periodization for P11 & P12. Linear & Undulated for P13.

Linear periodization weekly means: each week the reps increase by +1 or +2 for L/R exercises or 2-arm / 2-leg exercises respectively. It also means that in week 1 the goal is (1 round), week 2 (1+1 rounds), week 3 (2 rounds) and week 4 (2+1 rounds).

Linear periodization per mesocycle (per phase) means the DB Loads, intensities and skill levels go up in P11 and P12, while the reps go down.

Linear & Undulated Periodization for P13 means that weekly the goal number of rounds goes up linearly from 1 to 1+1 to 2 to 2+1 for weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4 respectively. Whereas the DB Loads, intensities, skill levels and timed work sets will undulate both weekly and often per workout to provide an exposure to strong, medium and light loads & intensities.

Phase 11: Hypertrophy

Linear periodization.

DB Load = 20-40% on A1/B1. 15-35% on A2/B2, A4/B4, A6/B6 and 25-45% on A3/B3 & A5/B5.

Phase 12: Strength

Linear periodization

DB Load = 30-50% on strong days A/B 1, 3 & 5's; 15-35% on A/B 2, 4 & 6's.

Phase 13: Peaking / Power Endurance

Linear & Undulating periodization

DB Load = 20-40%, 25-45%, 15-35%, 35-55%, 15-35% & 15-35% for A/B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 respectively.

What does this mean?

We're going to train 12 weeks straight w/ the exception of planned days off. That's a lot of momentum for you to make physical changes to enhance your athletic & brain performance, to transform your body and to improve your health. Hypertrophy is going to pump your muscles up and give you shape, curves & confidence, while conditioning your ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones to handle more stress. P12's Strength theme is going to make your muscles even stronger, more defined and enhance all of the above while reducing the circumference of the muscles (assuming nutrition & cardio are complimentary). P13's peaking phase will help everything to feel more natural providing unloading days during high stress holiday periods and allowing you to feel strong AND fast.

You are encouraged to really dial in your nutrition and go for walks, runs and other cardio to really see & feel the changes so you feel even more inspired. Especially over the next 5-8.5 weeks Halloween and Thanksgiving arrive to kick off the holiday season warm up and full start.

Winter Sports Ready

  • Skiing

  • Snowboarding

  • Cross-country Skiing

  • Sledding

  • Ice Skating

  • Figure Skating

  • Ice Hockey

  • Basketball

  • Snow shoveling

I think of the common injuries, movement patterns and energy systems required by these sports and try to address them as best as possible during our time together. Life is more fun when you're moving and participating in the common movements and sports of the season is as natural as eating cider donuts and pumpkin spice latte's. Everyone has to do cardiovascular exercise. It's more fun if you have different activities you can look forward to and prepare for each season. I used to think cross country skiing was lame. Now it actually seems like a cool idea, to go off and explore the untouched fresh snow. I wanted to play hockey as a kid, but I couldn't skate. I love and look forward to ice skating every winter and I even have my own ice skates now. Plus Devens has a free outdoor rink in the winter. Snow shoveling gets a bad rap. It makes your body and heart strong, it's social, you burn a ton of calories, it goes away at the end of the season and sometimes during, and it makes hot cocoa and a warm fire feel even better. Plus all the fun clothes you get to wear during winter activities is something to look forward to every year.

Phase 11 Overview

Sept 25 to Oct 20 (4 on, 0 off)

Theme: Hypertrophy

Periodization: Linear

Total DB Loads: 20-40%, 15-35%, 25-45%, 15-35%, 25-45%, 15-35% for days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 respectively.


  • hockey squats

  • lateral skaters

  • TRX Leg Curls / 1-Leg Bridge to Extensions

  • Foot Fires & Squat Jacks

  • MB Hockey Scoop Throws & Chest Pass

  • DB Curl Ups & Body Saws

  • Bent-Over Y Raises & External Rotations

  • DB Squat Jumps + BK SLDL's

  • DB Hang Power Cleans + Forward Lunges

  • 1-Leg Bench Hip Thrusts / Nordic Negatives

  • Sho Mobility / DB Alt. Simultaneous OH Press

  • Pullovers & Chin Ups

  • DB 1-Arm, 1-Leg Rows / Bent-Over Rows

  • DB Chest Press (get a bench)

  • Cardio Finishers: Squat Jump + Mountain Climbers, Ski Jumps & plank walks, shuffles & plank jacks

  • Conditioning: Shuttle Runs (full court & sideline) and Band Relays

  • Calf Training: straight & bent, 2-leg, 1-leg, flat, elevated, hands free & with DB's.

You can get hypertrophy and decrease body fat, no matter what diet you follow if there is a reduction in calories.

P11 Warm Up & Cool Down

Remember. As new quarters start, the movements get simpler. As the quarter progresses I challenge you with more complex movements.

P11, Workout A - Extra

P11, Workout A - Virtual

P11, Workout B - Extra

P11, Workout B - Virtual

Nutrition Habits

Eat less. Use 80% full as a guideline.

Prioritize protein @ every meal.

Have a vegetable and/or fruit @ every meal.

Get your beans because they're both fiber, protein and carbohydrate.

Start you day off with 16oz H2O. Front load your water, taper as the day goes!

Pick the habit you can win every day!

The next 8.5 weeks are a little quieter socially. There are no big holidays, though there seems to be a lot of kid birthday parties. It's a great opportunity to build tremendous momentum going in to the holidays and then we'll take advantage of light & fast workouts to peak through the holidays.

Have fun. Training is fun.

See you soon!


p.s. cardio minutes are due tomorrow.

a.m. 24, 21, 21 for M / W / F

p.m. 24, 24, 21 for M / T / Th

p.p.s. Schedule. we're back to our regular schedule

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

p.p.p.s. Guest Weeks. the next 2 weeks are guest weeks if you know someone who might love what we do and can do what we do. email introduce them and I'll take it from there.

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