Subject: Q4, Holiday Hotness & Winter Sports Ready (P11 Overview)

Hi Friend!

Happy last week of September to you!

Phase 11
Tomorrow begins, Phase 11 and our 4th Quarter and it sure will be interesting.  
P11, Sept 28 to Oct 24 - 4 weeks.

P11, Workout Cards
The links to the workout cards are below.  
DB Load is 25-45% BW.  
I changed the names from Gym Based Equipment and Virtual to Extra Equipment and Virtual because when we return to the gym, we'll be using the virtual workout cards.  So "Extra" stands for "Extra Equipment" as in TRX, MB, Pull Up Bars and Hurdles.

Extra (formerly known as gym based)

Week 1 will remain virtual for ALL WORKOUT TIMES.  
Week 2 or week 3 is now the goal to re-introduce a hybrid schedule of virtual and in person.  

I've spoken to many of the "yes" people I needed to speak with, and left messages with the rest.  Everyone is important, hence the survey and the calls.  I think Liz summed it up best with the word, equitable.  

If you were interested in the 9am, T / Th, run/sprint days, I'll send the sign up link this week.  People want to run, move and be together and this does not affect our existing schedule.  

If you feel frustrated about this process and my pace, please call me.  

Shout Outs
  • P10 Perfect Attendance:  Alicia Straus, Marisa Cimino, Dana Dornbusch, Joshua Gann, Michelle Crowley, Peter Kelly, Sean Crowley, Anne Marie Dunne (+1), Melissa Mullen, Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Stephanie Bucci, William Savage, Elizabeth Dean, Mimy Wang, Paul Gomez and Lisa Listerman.  Hey!  You did it.  Every time.  It's not easy.  Sometimes you had to train at different times and days, back to backs and sometimes double sessions.  Take the wins.  Use them as reminders for future challenges.  High Five!  And those that didn't.  Life happens.  Tomorrow and every moment is a fresh & new opportunity.  Momentum starts with said moment.  Capture the next moment.  
  • P10, Week 3 Cardio Minutes:  Alicia Straus (321), Marisa Cimino (275), Dana Dornbusch (260), Walter Piescik (200), Lauren Coyne (420), Peter Kelly (600), Julie Levin (278), Sean Crowley (380), Michaela Millot (545), Julie Tishler (400), Lucy Barts (420), Marc Steinberg (425), Nelson Aquino (215), Amita Vasi (280), Lisa Listerman (339) and Carol Vaghar (250).  You made time for your heart, your metabolism and your spirt.  You primed your days, you decompressed after a long day.  You had fun moving.    #thatfeelsgood.  High Five!

Lifting pumpkins,

Coach Mike

p.s.  please print out your workout cards:  extra or virtual 
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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