Subject: Q1, P4 Recap!

Hi Friend,

Happy Friday to you!

We did it. We finished our first quarter of training. If you finished strong. High Five! That feels good. #KeepGoing! If you were up and down in the phase. It happens. #KeepGoing! If you came in well and then life happened. That happens too! Begin again and #KeepGoing.

Phase 3 Recordings Folder.

If you want to get a workout in this weekend. Here you go. Pick one of the videos from this week or a retro Saturday Stretch video.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 23min / workout. Minutes are due Monday.

Q2, P4

Monday begins our next phase and quarter. This email is brief because I'm trying to get the whole quarter written and the phase overview sent to you this weekend. Wish me luck. If I get it, I'll be working towards writing the summer quarter before the end of phase 4. If that happens, I'll start working on building the app. :-) New online memberships should be ready by the week of the 25th. I'll need some volunteer testers.

Happy weekend to you.


p.s. The next 2 weeks are guest weeks. Friends don't let friends train alone. ;-) If you know someone who might love what we do and could do what we do, please email introduce them.

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