Subject: Phase 9 Overview

Greetings from the Lud (as in Ludlow)!

We moved out of Boston. We almost needed to trucks, but thankfully we didn't. We thought we were minimalists, but it really felt like we were the opposite. Then it took 3 trips to Wmass with the stuff that wasn't appropriate to store and we're out. 1 Chapter closed and the next one begins.

Phase 9

This is our last intensity phase of the summer quarter. This means the exercise skill level and DB loads will increase 1 more time. This is a great opportunity to work on your body and your movement skills. It'll be very fun and athletic. You'll sweat a ton, sleep deep, be hungry, build muscle and get stronger.

A perfect set up for September's, peaking phase, when we drop the DB Load, intensity and skill levels and focus more on power endurance and anaerobic endurance, to peak you for fall sports and fall races (sign up anytime b/w 9/25 through the 2nd week of October's P11).

Total DB Load = 30-50% BW

Holds & +'s

Holds: The first set you'll continue to hold on the last rep for a 5 count on Left | Right exercises and a 10 count for bilateral exercises. This isometric contraction is great for building strength in the range of motions many people are weaker in (bottom position of pushes (push ups, pike push ups, squats), and finish position of pulls (rows, towel curls and hip thrusts) and promoting muscle definition.

+'s: You'll do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) during the 2nd set. So if the exercise shows 4+ reps, that means the goal is 4 reps, but do as many reps as you can. See if you can beat it by doing more than 4 reps, than keep going until you can't do any more great reps. This will be really fun, it'll let you safely test your sub maximal / maximal abilities and it'll let you recalibrate for future workouts if you were using too light of weight or doing too easy of a level.

You'll get stronger, build more muscle, increase your muscle definition and really shape your attitude and confidence level if you're able to do this.

*There will be days and times you won't be able to because you're perfectly calibrated already or maybe your under-recovered or under-rested. That's o.k. There will be days you will be able to and those will be the best.

Coach's Note: The plus's are a PR as in Personal Record. If you're watching the Olympics, they call them PB's as in Personal Bests. You want to adopt the mindset and attitude of trying to get a little better every workout. As you approach the last reps of your last set you want to always be pushing yourself to get more, only stopping to leave 1 in the tank and sometimes none, but always using best form to stay safe. And if it's a light and fast day, then it's optional to do a "+" as those are unloading days, so of course you'll be able to do a bazillion reps.

P9, Zoom Links

All links remain the same. This is only for your convenience.

Also, most of the August virtual workouts (maybe all pending closing), will be shot from Mike & Lauren Coyne's home gym. They were unbelievably gracious and anticipatory to offer me the chance to coach from their home. Thank you again Mike & Lauren. :-) Hugs!

6:00am, M / W / F

Meeting ID: 908 612 251

Passcode: 4for4

9:00am, M / W / F

Meeting ID: 364 600 271

Passcode: 4for4

6:30pm, M / T* / Th

*Tuesday is in person @ the Mackenzie Center

Meeting ID: 271 737 590

Passcode: 4for4

P9, Workouts Cards & Recordings

P9, Extra Equipment 

P9, Virtual Equipment

P9, Zoom Recordings

P9, Warm Up & Cool Down

Workout A - Extra Equipment

Workout A - Virtual Equipment

Workout B - Extra Equipment

Workout B - Virtual Equipment

Nutrition Habits

What's your August look like? Is it chill? Is it balanced. Are you in vacation mode?

What does your gut tell you to practice the next 4 weeks?

What can you do everyday?

Are you most confident doing it at all meals, 3 meals, 2 meals or 1?

This phase is going to be an anabolic phase, so you're going to be a little hungrier as we get to weeks 3 and 4 (empowerment week).

This is a great opportunity to really make physical and performance changes by complimenting it with supportive nutrition to recover, repair, grow and perform.

Be inspired by the Olympians. Those athletes crush food. We're not starving ourselves and we're not overeating. We're finding the balance and choosing more often the foods that make us feel best while including fun foods too to keep that balance.

Happy 1st day of August to you, Friend.

Get your 4 for 4's. Go for a 5minute walk and put yourself to bed.

Coach Mike

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