Subject: Phase 8 Overview

Hi Friend!

Great day to you, welcome back and welcome to Change Your Body Boot Camps' Phase 8.

Phase 8 Overview
First, remember our goals of the quarter.  Beach Season #2, Summer & Fall Sports and Peak for September Races.  This means look good on the beach and while wearing summer clothes.  Perform well in summer sports, while peaking for fall sports & fall races so you can both perform well and reduce your risk of injury.  Summer quarter is also designed to be our most challenging because most people take more time off from work and since the weather is good, you're most likely going to play outside even if you're sore.

P8, will be have the highest intensity of the summer with that being measured by our Dumbbell Load (DB Load) equaling 30-50% bodyweight.  There are many reasons for this:

  • supercompensation:  to get your body to adapt for August and September
  • muscle building
  • muscle definition and shape
  • increase power & explosiveness
  • get stronger
  • get leaner
  • get faster (not so much this phase as the last 2 phases)
  • decrease limb / body circumferences

We'll do all of this because we'll only do 2 sets of the DB complex which will be insufficient volume to produce a hypertrophic response that increases muscle cross sectional area / limb circumference.  My hope is that your body responds by building more muscle and becoming leaner.  Your clothes should be a bit baggier on you as you lose size, but when you remove your clothes, you should have better shape and definition.  I recommend wearing fitted clothes to show off your hard work.

Note:  Nutrition is Key.  Eat too many of the wrong foods too often and/or overeat, and you'll easily increase your muscle cross-sectional area and limb circumference.  Follow your nutrition plan that I shared with you and you should see and experience these results I'm writing about.

Now many members don't want to lose muscle size, and muscle size does have a benefit in injury risk reduction by helping you to be more durable, so many of the strength exercises will have strength & hypertrophy goals (reps of 5-8 or 8-12), that will not only help you to get stronger, perform better and feel better, but also to look better.
Maximize Your Workouts
How can you maximize your workouts, achieve and beat your goals, feel better more often, look better more often and kick butt more often?  It's simple (at least in theory).

1.  Finish your workout card in 4 weeks or less.
2.  Hit the sets & reps goals written in light gray on your workout cards.

No one every regrets making time for self-care.
Everything is always better when you feel good.  
Training makes you feel good.
Winning feels great.
The secret to winning is keep getting better, keep showing up and not miss workouts.

Tom Brady is 41 years old.  Quarterbacks and NFL players aren't supposed to be able to play this long, let alone this well.  Do you think he misses workouts?  He prioritizes them, as well as all of his self-care.  Life, work and family are a lot easier when you're riding happy hormone highs and you feel good about your self.  

Finish Your Workout Card in 4 Weeks or Less AND Hit or beat the Sets & Reps goals I wrote on your cards!
Phase 8, Workout A
Medicine Ball exercises go from kneeling to standing, which makes it more challenging and easier.  More challenging because now your legs are part of your stabilizing equation, which makes it more difficult for your core to stabilize and easier because you can put more force into the ground and throw the ball harder.

Below are the medicine ball guidelines as a reminder.  
Phase 8, Workout B
MB Standing Overhead Throw x10
It reads toss on your workout card, but change it to throw.  Toss reads to easy.  I want you to throw lasers (wink).  Use the ball weight on the right (see above).  Remember, the goal is to throw the ball fast, not throw the ball slow. 

Standing is our level 2 progression.  You bring the legs back into the equation after removing them to isolate the core.  Now your core is challenged to stabilize from a standing position in which you get to use your legs to generate more force.  The 2 main goals of the core are (1) to transfer force from the ground to your fingers and (2) to hold pelvic neutral or the Hallow Hold position of pubic bone tilted up, butt squeezed and ribs down.  This will reduce injury risk to the low back by preventing arching and will provide stiffness for the lats to stretch against when the ball is reached behind the head.   

Linear Hurdle Jump - Double Bounce x5
Jumps = 2-legs
Hops = 1-leg
Bounds = 1-leg to the other leg

Double bounce landings mean you bounce twice.  Bounce once when you land and on the 2nd bounce you jump over the next hurdle.  Don't pause on the 2nd bounce.  This helps to get your muscles ready to countermove quickly off the ground for next phase's continuous bounce landings.  It does this by quickly storing your energy, and then quickly helping you to recruit motor units and your reflexive / elastic / stretch-shortening system to jump rapidly off the 2nd bounce.  

It's also super fun & athletic.

Level 1 Jumps are stick the landing.  Don't progress until you can stick the landing or I progress you.  Landing properly reduces your risk of injury.  Most ACL injuries happen during the landing, not the jump.  I know it makes your legs & your tired and your legs sore, but that's why you're doing it.  

10 Yd Fwd & Bwd Sprint w/ Touch x4 lengths
This is to help you decelerate and change direction quickly in the sagittal plane.  It also teaches you to get low to the ground, accelerate rapidly and run backwards by reaching.  A side effect is it makes you winded, which helps you to get more out of your stability exercise in less time.

Low Plank T's x5e
Level 1 last phase = High Plank T's
Level 2 this phase = Low Plank T's
Working to make it more challenging for you.

DB Complex
This is our palms down day.
DB Hang Jump Shrug - palms down
DB Hang High Pull - palms down
DB Hang Muscle Curl - palms neutral
DB RDL - palms neutral

DB Load = 30-50%
You're have 15 seconds to do 3 reps and you get to rest the difference.  Do your reps, well, fast and get some extra rest.  Then rest and stretch for 60 seconds.

DB Complexes traditionally are great for fat loss, conditioning and hypertrophy because of the long, time under tension.  They're bad a** and I hope you learn to love them.  I remember first learning a DB Complex from one of my mentors, Mike Boyle, which I think was a 10 exercise, 10 reps per exercise complex in the last phase before kids left for their sport season.  It was intense, sweaty and a huge advantage for those kids conditioning wise.  It'll be a great advantage for you.

Reasons to Love DB Complexes:
  • hypertrophy
  • traps
  • vertical jump
  • grip strength
  • upper back muscles
  • conditioning
  • muscle building
  • fat loss
  • increased growth hormone and testosterone
  • endorphin highs
  • stronger
  • tougher
  • fun & challenging 

Strength Training
DB Hip Lift
We worked the 1st six months of the year to get your core stronger to reduce injury risk, now we're going to continue that work by training your lower abs to curl your pelvis towards your rib cage and train your external oblique muscles.  One common injury in soccer and baseball are oblique strains.  They're very common in people with anterior pelvic tilts (gymnasts, prego mommas people with large bellies and people who sit too much).  Hip Lifts and Reverse Crunches help to reduce this and make your obliques / love handles less pronounced.

Tall Kneeling TRX Y-Raise - Mats
The Y-Raise is one of the antagonist muscles to rounded shoulders.  It's a very common exercise in overhead sports to reduce injury risk and since summer has a lot of these sports (swimming, volleyball, baseball, softball and tennis) its a good one to have.  It also will help to improve your posture, make the front of your body look better and the back of your body.  I'd love to do more DB Snatches in our program, but we need more healthy shoulders and postures to do them more often.  

Doing the Y-Raise from Tall Kneeling makes it more difficult on the arms because you have less leg support.

Band Push Up (4 sets + PR)
We've had success with our don't go home without completing at least 4 sets of pull ups and getting a Personal Record, so we're going to do it with push ups as well.  Time to get some of you slow progressors to progress faster by increasing the volume in the workout.  Every week 3 and empowerment week, you must do at least 4 sets and get a PR before going home.

Another way to progress faster is to train more often.  You know members train 3x/wk and there are some members who have been training 4x/wk.  These 4x/wk training weeks help the members progress faster.  Maybe you want to consider training more often to get faster results.

We introduce the band as a substitute for the Push Up to Downward Dog.  The Push Up to Downward Dog was a great exercise to help you work on your hip mobility for Pike Push Ups and Towel Pikes as well as getting you stronger because of the longer time under tension.  We're going to piggy back on the time under tension gains by introducing Band Push Ups.  In theory you should be able to do Band Push Ups at the same level as last phase for roughly the same reps because of the time under tension benefits you earned last phase.  Women, I recommend trying 1/2" bands first.  Fellas try 1" bands first.  If you need new bands, get them, they're inexpensive.

DB 1-Leg Squat on Bench - R+L
This is the next progression to prepare you for the ultimate party trick and show of strength, flexibility, balance and coordination, the Pistol Squat (coming in phase 9).  Stand on a bench, lift dumbbells forward and squat to 90 degrees.  Everyone that can do this exercise LOVES it.  It lifts your butt and tones your legs.  You get stronger on 1-leg which carries over to jumping, hopping, sprinting, decelerating and changing direction.  The DB's aren't only to load your leg with more resistance, but they also serve as a counter balance so you can sit back & deep as well as giving you awesome looking anterior deltoids.  

If you can't do these yet, work the progressions.
Split Squats for balance, mobility and strength
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats for more balance, mobility and strength
1-Leg Squats to the bench for even more balance, mobility and strength
1-Leg Squats on a bench to test where you're at.

The reps are intentionally at 6, to help you to get stronger and because of the balance demands, I don't want to spend all of your strength time on this lone exercise, so we keep the rep number low.  

However if you do the same level as last phase, then add 2 reps to what you did last phase, so do 8 reps or add more weight and/or do a higher level and do 6 reps.

Level 1:  Split Squats
L1a:  Body weight
L1b:  DB Goblet
L1c:  2-DB's @ side

Level 2:  Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
L2a:  body weight
L2b:  DB Goblet
L2c:  2-DB's @ side

Level 3:  1-Leg Squat
L1a:  Squat to bench
L2b:  Squat on bench

Day 1 = Base Running
Day 2 = Band Relays 
Day 3 = Triathlon Relays

D1.  We changed the order so even if time is limited, you'll emphasize a different sprint length.  Base running is fun, as is interval sprints of different lengths.  Go run bases on a baseball diamond.  You'll love it!

D2.  We took out the Ready Position Bounces (RPB x1) because they were becoming too confusing with the addition of the band and the post activation potentiation of running with out the bands.  Hopefully you get more totally sets because of the subtle change.  Remember each row = 3 lengths.

E1.  Band Diagonal Run - L
E2.  Band Diagonal Run - R
E3.  Band Carioca - L
E4.  Band Carioca - R
E5.  Band Power Skip for Height
E6.  Band Sprint

Length 1 = You run against Band
Length 2 = You tow your partner against the band
Length 3 = You run without the band.  

There are 6 rows, so 18 possible lengths can be completed in 1 full round.  

Sets & Reps
Look at the sets & reps I recommend.  Almost every workout but more like every week, the sets and/or rep recommendations change.  Usually during week 1, the teaching week, I aim for 1-2 sets in the time available per exercise.  Week 2, I aim for 2 sets / exercise, week 3, 2-3 sets per exercise and week 4, 3 sets per exercise.  With the exception of pull ups and push ups, which have goals of 4 sets and a PR for weeks 3 & 4.  

The reps also change on the body weight strength exercises.  The 4th time you do a bodyweight strength exercise I increase the reps to 10 (2x10) and the 6th time, to 12 (2x12).

Empower yourself to read your cards, plan your workout time on your schedule and get it done.  You'll be glad you did and everything will be better.

Phase 8, Workout B
Medicine Balls
Front Twists are now standing from Half Kneeling.  Similar to the Overhead Throw, this will allow you to generate more force because you get to use your legs and challenge your core to transfer the force from the ground through your core and to your fingers, as well as stabilizing your spine so you don't over-rotate at the lumbar spine.  

Lateral Hurdle Hops - Double Bounce x3e
All running happens on 1-leg, so you mine as well get good at transferring force, storing and releasing energy, decelerating, breaking and changing directions.  This is what the double bounce does.  For the strong, this feels like a much easier exercise than sticking the landing because it takes more energy.  For the less strong, it's more fun, but still challenging because its difficult to hop over the hurdle after the 2nd bounce vs. settling yourself after the 2nd bounce and then hopping over, possibly on the 3rd bounce.  Either way, master sticking the landing and the 1-leg squatting with arm drive switches first and then move to double bounces.

5 Yard Shuffle with Touch
In our summer sports and fall sports you have to be able to move laterally in an athletic stance, so here is an opportunity to practice.  

Don't go through the motions.  
Do get a low stance (top of thigh parallel to the floor, chest upright) and shuffle.
You'll go slower initially, but faster eventually.
It'll be worth it!

If you stay tall all the time, you won't really get better because you're avoiding discomfort.  
Embrace the discomfort.

Alternating Spider March to 1-Arm Reach
This is the next progression in our cool break dancing move, the spider march kick through to table top.  It's also a great core, mobility and conditioning exercise.  Work to get your foot outside your hand.  Then turn towards that leg and raise your arm.  The reps are cut in half (from 8 to 4) because it's 2 moves in 1.  

DB Complex
This is our neutral grip day.

C1.  DB Hang Jump Shrug - Neutral
C2.  DB Hang Clean Pull - Neutral
C3.  DB Hang Power Clean - Neutral
C4.  DB Front Squat - Neutral

This day will help a lot with your vertical jump.  Just like running against bands, if you jump against resistance, you should be able to jump higher after some rest, when you take away the dumbbells.  

The benefits listed with Workout A's DB complex apply here.  

Front Squats train the front of the quads and give them strength & shape.
Keep your knees open like we do during the mini band warm ups.
The Power Clean is fun.  Try to land at the same time as you catch or catch at the same time as you land.  This exercise helps your body look awesome all over, especially your butt, hamstrings and upper back.
The Clean Pull is awkward because you're pulling to your armpits in a neutral grip.  Do the best you can with it.
The jump shrug is fun.  Get up as high as you can and shrug fast & hard.

One thing you'll probably notice or at least feel is the increase of direct core training.  The warm up has 4 core exercises (bridges, 1-leg bridges, cross body marches and leg lowers), MB's have 2 (overhead and front twists), Stability has 2 (spider marches and low plank T's) and then strength has 2 (Towel Pike and DB Hip Lift).  Its beach season and informal conversations with members, reveals that you want more abs.  You got it.

Towel Pike
Last phase we did towel tucks, this phase pikes.  Pike's help you get comfortable in the pike position which is helpful for Pike Push Ups.  It also helps to bring your pubic bone towards your rib cage and vice versa, to train the hallow hold position.  

Since its a body weight exercise, you'll start with 1-2x8 for week 1, 2x8 for week 2, 2x10 for week 3 and 2x12 for week 4.

Neutral Grip Pull Ups + Facing Wall Slides x8
Work your progressions.
Get 4sets and a PR before you go home.
If you're not progressing, tell me so I can help.  It usually is because you're missing workouts and/or not training frequently enough.  Training 2x/wk is good and 2x better than training 1x/wk but you're playing the long game to get better.  3+/wk is the fastest way to get better and that makes sense because you have more repeated exposure.

Level 1:  Holds
L1a:  band on foot
L1b:  band on shin
L1c:  bodyweight

Level 2:  Movement
L2a:  Negatives
L2b:  band on foot, assisted pull ups
L2c:  band on shin, assisted pull ups

Level 3:  The Real Deal
L3a:  body weight pull up progressions
L3b:  weighted pull up progressions

Note:  1st person to demonstrate 4x10 of perfect technique pull ups, gets the Dip / Chin belt named after them.  Nelson got 46 total reps in the last phase.  Walter and Melissa are the next closest I believe.

Facing Wall Sides x8
I realized that doing so many pull ups, could create an imbalance, so we're going to train the antagonists at the same time.  We'll now do some sort of Lower Trapezius exercise with pull ups to proactively counteract any negative effects from strong lats.

FE Pike Push Ups x5
This exercise requires great hip mobility, core and upper body strength.  It's the precursor to hand stand negatives or hand stand push ups for us.  If you can do this exercise, do 5 reps, if you do a level progression from last phase do 5 reps.  If you do the same level as last phase add 2 reps (8 reps to 10 reps).

Level 1:  Incline Push Ups
L1a:  High Incline
L1b:  Low Incline 

Level 2:  Floor Push Ups

Level 3:  Feet Elevated Push Ups
L3a:  FE Push Ups
L3b:  Pike Push Ups
L3c:  FE Pike Push Ups

This is our posterior chain.  Our sprint and jump muscles.  When you run, hop and bound, you're on 1-leg.  This trains hip separation in the sagittal plane.  Hip separation is important for stride length and injury risk reduction as well as 1-leg balance, stability and motor control.  

If your DB weights 15-30% Body weight and is heavier than last phase do 5 reps.  If your DB is the same as last phase, do 10 reps / leg.

Phase 8 Warm Ups & Cool Down
When you do the workouts on your own, either use an interval app like the Interval Timer - HIIT Workouts, Timing for HIIT Training app by delta or the Seconds App or follow the rep recommendations.  The interval app is the easiest way to keep your workout to 60 minutes.  When you follow the sets and reps, you're more likely to need 90minutes to finish the workout.  If you don't have an interval app or don't want to invest the time to program it and you do need to keep your workout to 60minutes, then do only 1 set of every exercise your first time training on your own.  That should keep you to 60 minutes.  Each time you workout on your own after that you can start adding 2nd sets throughout the workout.  Start with the beginning of the workout first.
Phew!  That was a lot.  I hope you read it and it helps you to get the most out of your self-care time.  Don't miss workouts.  Finish your workout card in 3 weeks or less.  Use the sets & reps guidelines and try to match them or beat them each workout.

Glad and sad the World Cup is over.

Coach Mike

p.s.  I'm on a major high from my workout and the fingers are working fast.

p.p.s.  want to chat about your goals?  schedule a call here.
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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