Subject: Phase 7 Workout Card & Warm Ups!

Hot Monday to you, Friend!

I guess the sun finally came out and boy did it bring the heat with it. Do you remember Axl Foley, "the heat is's on the street..." well, the heat is everywhere it feels good, but so does AC, so I'm inside right now.

You know what else feels good, Phase 7. That's what. Check it out!

Phase 7 Overview

We're in a new quarter with themes of Beach Season #2, Summer & Fall sports and peaking for Sept races.  P7, P8 & P9 will be strength phases and P10 will be a power endurance phase.  

Medicine Ball Exerciss
We've swapped out the medicine ball exercises and brought in front twists and overhead throws.  We'll start the quarter off kneeling and progress to alternating sides and stepping.  

The hurdles progress to continuous jumps and then we introduce 1-leg hurdle hops for the rest of the quarter.  

Stability Exercises
We have 2 new stability exercises:  high plank T's progressing towards Pinball Push Up T's and Spider Marches progressing to Spider March Kick Thrus to Table Top.  

Sprint Conditioning
We paired the stability with forward & backward sprints and lateral shuffles.  

DB Complex Returns
It's been shortened from 6 exercises to 4 to accommodate the introduction of speed training after the warm up.  These complexes will help you to increase your metabolism, build muscle and develop some more hotness muscles.  It's also a high performance complex, so they're's carryover to sports. We'll be using DB Loads of 20-40% BW this phase.  

Alternating Strength & Conditioning
This is most everyone's favorite.  We'll do 4min of strength and 2min of conditioning.  There will be 2 circuits of this.  My notes from last year reminded me to add buffers on each side of the s&c, so you could get more work in so I've added 30s & 75s rests before and after the conditioning.  The strength will re-introduce or introduce 1-leg squats, pike push ups, 1-arm push ups, chin ups, sit ups and reverse crunches.  The conditioning re-introduces band relays.  I've also provided sets goals for each exercise that increase as the weeks of the phase progress.  

There are 3 levels for most every strength exercise and some of the levels have sub-levels of a, b, c, d.  

Example:  1-arm push ups is a level 3 exercise with L3a, L3b, L3c & L3d sub-levels based on the height of the bench used for push ups or not.  

Chin Ups
Have level 1 (chin up holds w/ or w/o bands), level 2 (band assisted chin ups or chin up negatives) and level 3 (chin ups).  They also have regressions 1-5 if you're not ready for chin up holds.  

Regression 1:  TRX Vertical Pike Pull Ups
Regression 2:  TRX Vertical Squat Pull Ups
Regression 3:  TRX FE Inverted Row w/ Rotation
Regression 4:  TRX Inverted Row w/ Rotation
Regression 5:  1/2 Kneel X-Band Pulldown

Pike Push Ups
Ideally everyone progresses to pike push ups, but shoulder mobility may limit participation in these.  You can either do push ups for facing wall slides if you're not ready for pike push ups.  You can also progress to FE Pike Push Ups for Handstand Push Ups if applicable.  

Warm Ups
See below if you're traveling or curious.  We finish the warm up with speed training.  Half Kneeling Sprint starts and the agility ladder for change of direction, deceleration or breaking and footwork  

Agility Ladder
Here are the 5 exercises we'll be doing:
1.  Shuffle Quick + Stick Fwd & Bwd, L+R
2.  1-2-3 Icky Shuffle
3.  Hip Switch
4.  Crossover
5.  Scissors with Step Behind
Nutrition Habit
Time to pick a new one.  Choose 1 you have a 9 out of 10 confidence you can practice it daily.  If you think you can do it at 2 meals / day with 9 out of 10 confidence, then do your nutrition habit for 2 meals per day.  If you think you can do 3 meals, do 3.  4 meals, do 4...etc...

E.g. Eat 2 palms of protein @ 3meals per day.
Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time to report your cardio minutes and challenge workouts.  
What'd you do for minutes and CW's last week?

Your coach,

Mike Alves

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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