Subject: Phase 6 Overview

Guess Who?
The bearded male on the left gave permission to share this photo with our boot camp members.  How fun right?!  :-)
Answer:  Walter & Dana, lovebirds since college and CYBBC members since 2010.

Hi Friend,

Great day to you.

The Alves Family is slowly starting our spring cleaning and continuing the garden planting.  #thatfeelsgood!  

New Members
When we started training virtually, I think most would have guessed we might see a decrease in membership, and some members have stopped, but even fewer would have guessed that we would actually grow and we are.

Vanessa, would like to try boot camp for all the reasons you love boot camp, so if you train at 6am, you'll see her and Vivi, Monday, 5/17, and if it goes well, she'll continue for as long as we're sheltered in place.

Tiana Issa, is mostly training in the evenings (6:30p, T / Th) alongside Will Savage, and sometimes at the 9am.  She's a sheltered in place, college freshman & Varsity Club Squash player, joining us while she can.  

Ricardo Abech, a very familiar face, returned last phase to train with us while his work travel is suspended.  He's training at 6am, M / W / F.

Lisa Listerman, another very familiar face and longtime member is back training with us at 6am, M / W while she's sheltering in place, providing telehealth services and we're offering virtual training.  She came back in Phase 4.

Scott Timmins, another very familiar and long ago member, came back for phase 3 in class and transitioned smoothly to virtual.  He's training at 6am, M / W / F.

Phase 6 Overview
This is the last phase of 3 phases in our 2nd quarter.
  • Training Dates:  5/18 - 6/5 (3 weeks on, 0 weeks off)
  • Q2 theme:  fat loss, muscle definition, beach muscles #1 and summer sports
  • P6 theme:  strength; get stronger by lifting heavier weights, using density circuits and doing more challenging exercise levels.
  • DB Load:  25-45% Body Weight

Cardio Minutes - Week 4
We did 21min / workout.  

Happy Hour
8-9pm, Wed, May 20, 2020

Meeting ID: 812 6296 2448
Password: Happy50th
Phase 6 Warm Up
Last phase of the quarter has the last progressions to our warm up exercises.

Remember no matter how bad you might feel or how tired you might feel laying on the ground, rolling (5min) and stretching (3m20s) feel good.  Then the correctives (6m) get you back to baseline while still laying or staying on your mat, then we gradually take you to standing and moving in all 3 planes with our dynamic stretching (5min).
P6, Workout A - In Class
This is the workout we'd do in class, if you had access to MB's, Pull Up Bars, TRX and space for conditioning.  It's a lateral day, and super fun, especially the progressions for the medicine balls.  
P6, Workout A - Virtual
Ooh baby, the final phase of a quarter are everyone's favorites.  

This will be our lateral day.  Some say this is the easier day of the two, but now that the DB Load is 25-45% and we've added the 3rd skill progression, I'll let you decide for yourself.

Paul, Diane & Anne Marie, you guys will do MB Shuffle Step, Diagonal Chops.  Gregor, you'll do Split Stance Band Diagonal Chops

P6, Workout B - In Class
This is our linear day for in class workouts and includes the final progressions for equipment we used in boot camp like MB's, Pull Ups, TRX and space for conditioning.
P6, Workout B - Virtual
This is our linear day and the day, that some say is the more challenging of the two days.  

Whatever your stance, Tastes Great or Less Filling, it'll be a high results yielding kind of workout.  

Paul, Diane & Anne Marie, you'll do MB Plyo Hop, Shuffle Step Chest Throws.  Gregor you can choose between Push Up Claps - Continuous or Split Stance Band Diagonal Lift.

CYBBC, Cool Down:  Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3
You need to memorize this.
Nutrition Habits
What nutrition habit from this list or from your heart do you want to practice for the phase.  Remember, to choose a habit that you can easily do every day.  Don't make it difficult.  Make so easy that you have a 9 out of 10 confidence level that you can do it every day.  Then decide if you're going to practice it daily, at 1 meal / day, at 2 meals per day, at 3 meals or more.  
P6 PdF's
*also see attached for the Virtual .pdf

That's all for now.  See you tomorrow and this week.

Making lemonade,

Coach Mike

p.s.  reply now with your cardio minutes
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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