Subject: Phase 3 Overview!

Hi Friend!

Beautiful Sunday to you!

The Alves are all shoveled out. I finished my 50 CEU's for my Athletic Training Certification & License. Vivi did a staycation camp and loved it. The Queen continues to surprise all with the effort and care at which she gets stuff done and makes our house a home and we bought a new car for us yesterday and pick it up later this week.

Phase 3

This is the last phase of our 1st Quarter. The last phases of our quarter are many people's favorites because they're very dynamic, fast and skillful. Phase 3 (P3) should position you to be ready for the fun movements & experiences of spring and have you feeling good and confident in your skin, your mind and your abilities.

  • 4pt. Stability will be even more interesting as you try to resist rotation and move dynamically.

  • Medicine Balls will re-introduce the plyo hop and add it to the shuffle step for side throws and 1-arm chest throws.

  • Hurdles and tuck jumps move to continuous jumps / hops from double bounces.

  • 1-Arm Trap Raises progress from hand supported to 1-arm / 1-leg*

    • *Coach Correction: change your workout card from Bent-Over to 1-Arm / 1-Leg

  • Band Pull apart progress to 12 reps and standing.

  • Hang clean pulls & hang high pulls progress to hang cleans and hang speed snatch**.

    • **if you haven't passed floor slides and back to wall shoulder flexions, don't do speed snatches yet because we don't want to do a loaded shoulder flexion (raise your arm overhead) exercise this explosively and with this much weight. You'll continue with hang high pulls and have the option to increase weight by 2.5-5 lbs. per hand.

  • Push Ups get a march at the top. This will be easier than alt. knee flexions in the bottom. So either do more reps or increase to a higher level.

  • Front Squat Grip Split Squats move to Overhead (OH) Split Squats ***

    • ***If you haven't passed floor slides / shoulder flexion increase the DB weights on Front Squat Grip or change to rear foot elevated or front foot elevated split squats.

  • DB Bench High Plank Rows progress to High Plank Rows on the floor (oh boy!). If you have trouble controlling your hips, resisting rotation and/or doing the proper rowing form, then stay with Bench High Plank Rows.

  • TRX Rows go from bent-knee to straight leg or straight leg to feet elevated. Anticipate a decrease in reps. That's o.k. If you can do it, it means you've gotten stronger.

  • Hip Thrusts get 2 DB's if you used 1 DB last phase or add a foam roller b/w your legs and keep the 2 DB's on your hips. ****

    • ****this will take maybe 5 seconds more 2 set up, meaning you might need a full 15-20 sec to set up with 2DB's and a FR.

  • Floor Slides get a V-Sit at the wall, so if you have tight adductors, this will feel nice on your legs and back.

  • Alt. Arnold OH Press goes from split squat (thank goodness) to standing on 1-leg w/ a high knee. How's your balance?

  • 2-DB Offset Stance RDL adds a bicep curl (suns out guns out).

  • Pullovers progress to DB Triceps Extension (skull crushers). So we'll work the bi's and then the tri's.

  • Alt. Grip Pull Ups is the next progression from neutral grip. If you did Alt. Grip last phase, then do Pull Ups this phase.

  • Towel Curls + Rebridge go to Towel Curl to Bridge all in 1 motion. This will take concentration, lots of core stability and posterior chain strength. Start palms down and blow as you curl to a bridge.

  • Triathlon Relay has hands HOH on the Backwards Lunge. So change the HBH (hands behind head) typo to HOH (Hands Overhead). We'll keep the 4 length sprint.

  • Baserunning stays the same only the order changes. Triples are first.

  • Sprinter Starts go from prone to supine. That'll be interesting for all. Fun for some and not so fun for those who get dizzy. If you get dizzy go back to the push up or high plank starts.

  • Low Plank (LP) Hand fires (linear & lateral), progress up to high plank. H

  • We'll continue to get 24min / workout.

Zoom Links

These are the same. If you already have them saved, do nothing. If you don't save them for easy access.

6:00am, M / W / F

Meeting ID: 908 612 251

Passcode: 4for4

9:00am, M / W / F


Meeting ID: 364 600 271

Passcode: 4for4

6:30pm, M / T* / Th*

*M is virtual; T / Th are in person @ Mackenzie

Meeting ID: 271 737 590

Passcode: 4for4

Zoom Folder

P3 Zoom Folder

P3 Schedule

2/28 to 3/18: 3 weeks on, 0 weeks off

It's part of 7 weeks of straight training leading up to April Vacation.

Guest Weeks

week 1: 2/28 to 3/4

week 2: 3/7 to 3/11

If you know someone who'd love what we do and can do what we do, invite them to come train with or without you as your guest. You can do an email introduction and I'll take it from there or you can share this guest link and I'll take it from there after they fill it out.

P3 Workout Schedule


Wk1: ABA

Wk2: BAB

Wk3: ABA


Wk1: BAB

Wk2: ABA

Wk3: BAB


Phase 3 - Workout A (Extra)

Phase 3 - Workout A (Virtual)

Phase 3 - Workout B (Extra)

Phase 3 - Workout B (Virtual)

2022 Goals!

Did you set any health goals for 2022?

What would you like to have happen over the next 12 months?

What needs to change to make this happen?

How can I support you with this change?

How can your nutrition support this change?

Which nutrition habits meets you where you are today and you have a 9 out of 10 confidence level, that you can do it everyday, with 10 being supreme confidence?

***Share Your Answers here (this is an open file, that your peers will see, to help you have peer support and to help you be crystal clear with your goals. Do it because it's fun to make progress and have people who care about your success and challenges.).***

Let's keep getting better together. It's more fun for you and the people you interact with in your world. When you feel strong, healthy and in shape everything feels better. Let's keep going!

Make it count,

Coach Mike

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