Subject: Phase 12 Overview (with links)

Hi Friend,

Fresh Workout Card Monday to you! I'm writing a 2nd time because I forgot the links yesterday. Please see them below.

Links for phase 12:

Phase 12

P12 theme: STRENGTH!

  • suggested Total DB Loads = 35-55% BW on strong days; 20-40% on Light & Fast days.

  • skill levels increase: e.g. sticks become double bounces

  • intensity increases (heavier weights & more challenging exercises)

  • reps decrease (8 reps becomes 5 or 6 reps)

  • volume decreases (less pump, more motor unit recruitment & muscle density)

Also. Remember our themes for the quarter.

  1. Peak for Holiday Hotness!

  2. Get Winter Sports Ready!

We're training movement patterns that are common to winter sports and proactively trying to making you more resistant to injury, while enhancing your athletic abilities to present to your chosen winter sport activities.

Hypertrophy aside from the confidence inducing pump, helped to condition your muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints to handle greater stress.

Now we're going to stress them by increasing the intensity of the loads and skill levels. This will help you to build more muscle, strength & durability, allowing you to present greater work capacity & force generation to your chosen activities.

Also because we'll be reducing the volume, the nice fitted sensation you experienced in your clothes, will start make your clothes to feel a little looser, with greater muscle definition & muscle density underneath (if you continue to eat to contentment - i.e. eat less).

It's still possible to get a pump on the record weeks, though it'll be different.

Then we'll tie it all together with a peaking phase like September's phase 10, in which we did all interval training to get your power endurance, explosiveness, anaerobic endurance, burst fitness all sharp and to help you pop aesthetically for the holidays. At least that's the aim!

Weekly Goals + Progressive Overload

Week 1: 1 round

Week 2: 1+1 round*

Week 3: 2 rounds

Week 4: 2+1 round*

Progressive Overload = 1% Better = Do a little more each week.

Sometimes everything goes right (you feel great, your peers know the routine, I coach well and you get more work done on week 1). Other times we get 1 round and that's enough.

We want to manage soreness and use a little of your energy to get a little bit more energy. We don't want you to be crushed and empty. We want any side effects from training to fly under the radar so you don't skip a beat and instead bounce out of bed and into your day!


P12 Schedule

10/22 to 11/17 (4weeks on, 0 weeks off)

You have another chance to complete a full workout card. Every workout you complete are additional 1% betters. Instead of waiting for change to happen, you're making change happen! #MakeYourOwnLuck! If you do finish a full workout card, send me a pic of both sides so I can recognize your dedicated efforts.

Week of 10/23:

regular week!

Week of 10/30:

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M / Th @ MC; no live workout @ 6:30p, T, 10/31

Week of 11/6:

6:00am, M / W @ Virtual; no live workout, 6:00am, F, 11/10

9:00am, M / W @ Virtual; no live workout, 9:00am, F, 11/10

6:30pm, M / T @ MC; no live workout, 6:30pm, Th, 11/9

Week of 11/13:

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M / T @ MC; Th @ Virtual

Weekend Workout - Stretch & Sprint

7:30-8:30am, Sun, 11/19

We had 9 today and 6 @ breakfast. Come join us and say hi. #ItFeelsGood!

*Let's get a picture next time.

P12 Warm Up & Cool Down

P12 Workout A - Extra

  • chest pass adds a shuffle to it

  • body saw now goes hands & feet (way harder) for fewer reps

  • hops are now double bounces. FUN!

  • bent-over rows are now split stance.

  • DB Complex is heavier w/ fewer reps & 5 sec / rep.

  • Chest press, squats & rows are heavier w/ fewer reps.

  • Leg Curls now add the bridge (curl, then bridge) for fewer reps.

  • Conditioning rotates days: M = Band Relays, T = Sideline Shuttle Runs, Th = Full Court Shuttle Runs

P12 Workout A - Virtual

  • Squat jacks add a frontal plane movement to our frontal plane movement.

  • Body saws are much tougher being in a high plank so the reps are fewer.

  • hops are now zig zag moving forward AND double bounce for 6 reps each, not 5/e.

  • Bent-Over Rows are now split stance which will feel different & fresh.

  • DB Complex is heavier weights, fewer reps, 5 sec / reps.

  • Chest Press, Goblet Squat, DB Rows are all heavier for fewer reps.

  • Leg Curls are now leg curls then bridge vs. extend, drop, curl, then re-bridge.

    • It seems everyone is doing something different, so continue to do something different, by making it more challenging since you only have to do 6 reps.

  • Conditioning days rotate & swap core exercises:

    • Squat Jumps are now Day 3 w/ Lateral Low Plank Walks

    • Lateral Shuffle is now Day 2 w/ Bench Mountain Climber Runs

    • Ski Jump Twists are now Day 1 w/ Low Plank Jacks

P12 Workout B - Extra

  • MB Hockey Throws are now back to wall shovel throws. It'll be fun.

  • Naked = Body Weight or no DB; If you did a DB all last phase, use a DB this phase.

    • Lie on back to half kneel

  • Skaters get a double bounce. FUN!

  • Bent-Over Y-Raises get a split stance. We're preparing you for 1-leg.

  • DB Complex is same same as Workout A. Heavier. Fewer reps. 5 sec / rep.

  • Shoulders & Hockey Squat have heavier weights or higher skill levels and fewer reps.

  • Chin Ups become Neutral Grip Pull Ups. Different grip. Same progressions.

  • Nordic Negatives now have a plyometric push up back to the start.

    • when you hit the ground try to press yourself back to the start and have your legs help you get back up

P12 Workout B - Virtual

  • Foot Fire adds a 2nd set of 20 and another turn, so you turn both sides / set

  • DB Curl Ups go from lying on your back to half kneel for fewer reps.

  • Skaters are double bounce. FUN!

  • Y-Raise is now split stance, preparing you for 1-leg.

  • DB Complex is heavier, for fewer reps and 5sec / rep.

  • Shoulders, Hockey Squat Progressions, Pullover Progressions & 1-Leg Bench Hip Thrusts are heavier or higher skill level for fewer reps.

P12 Nutrition Habit

10/23 to 11/19, 4 weeks straight

Halloween is T, 10/31

It's 5 weeks until Thanksgiving (11/23).

Think about how you can use this time to continue to progress forward toward your 2023 goals.

How you can support the Q4 themes of Holiday Hotness & Winter Sports Ready?

How you can make sure you have enough to eat to support your efforts during the strength phase and the recovery from it, but not too much.

Pick a habit from this list or the one you think you should do that may not be listed.

Decide if you're going to do it daily, @ 1 meal, @ 2 meals, @ 3 meals or @ all meals.

Decide the amounts. (ounces, palms, fists, cupped hands, thumbs, ...)

Make sure you have a 9 out of 10 confidence level that you can do it!

Guest Week

Friends don't let friends train alone!

Happy Hormone Highs are more fun when shared!

If you know someone who might love what we do and can do what we do, invite him/her. You can do an email introduction and/or share this VIG.

That's it. 5:45pm. How'd I do Carol?

See you this week.

Make it count,


p.s. minutes are due tomorrow!

p.p.s. how many workouts can you get in October?

p.p.p.s. here are the P12 links again for your conveinence:

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