Subject: Phase 11 Workout Card (DB Load = 35-55%BW)

Happy Halloween Eve Friend!

Today Vivi participated in her 2nd, Savin Hill, Halloween Parade, which is a neighborhood in Dorchester, where we live and it was a really cool idea for family's with young children to celebrate Halloween during daylight hours with full families in attendance.  It was great for me to test my memory of all the different people we meet at the playground, for everyone I've met to meet Vanessa and for Vivi to ride her first pony and sit in her first fire truck.  

Then the Patriots won and Vanessa made Chili so you could say it was an awesome day.

And if you add in the fact that yesterday was the Harvard Stadium Run, which is always a major, self-esteem boosting, workout (when you finish) that was run by Stephanie, Amy F, Alicia, Jen & Paul C, Pete and myself, to the live entertainment of the Harvard Marching Band you could say it was a great weekend, which it was.  

And now, since we're talking about great things, let's keep the momentum going and talk about Phase 11.

Phase 11:  Strength
We'll continue peaking for Winter Sports (skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, ice skating, hockey and basketball) and for Holiday Hotness!  Last phase was Hypertrophy, which is the opposite of atrophy.  This phase we'll look to take the well conditioning ligaments, tendons and muscles and make them stronger.  The skill levels and weights used will be greater, while the reps will be lower.  We'll use less total volume during the power, but more total volume in the strength & conditioning.  The work to rest ratios will stay the same during the core (15:10), decrease for the power (15:10) and also decrease for the strength (20:15) and conditioning (140s), but we'll work up to 4 rounds of the strength and 3 rounds of the conditioning.  In any event, it'll be a strong & fast workout.  You'll feel more bad ass at the end of 4 weeks as we prepare to enter December an endurance training month.  

DB Load
Last phase:  25-45% Body Weight (BW)
This phase:  35-55% BW
If you bring the same weights, then things will be easier for you and you'll be training endurance more than strength.  When we use a 2-1-1 tempo during strength, you'll go as fast as you can.   If you have the ability to bring the recommend DB Loads and some small weights (1-8 lbs) for Y-Raises and Hockey Squats, that would be ideal.  

O.K.  Let's keep getting better together.  Every phase represents a fresh start and a new beginning.  You get a clean card to fill out and 4 weeks to get as many workouts completed as you can.  The goal is to always fill it is full as possible, but we've both lived enough life to know that sometimes life presents challenges and you simply have to do the best you can, when you can, so play the long game, don't beat yourself up if you can't do some things that you might normally do if the circumstances were different.  That does you no good.  It's not inspiring or motivating.  Tough times will pass.  So do the best you can anyways, even if it's far less than you're capable or what you've done in the past.  Also, don't make excuses if you can.  Sometimes you're in tough stretches for so long that it becomes a new normal and when you get windows of time or you're in a period of lowered stress, you still use the same story, but it no longer fits.  

November is the month of being thankful.  Let's all be thankful we were blessed with these wonderful bodies that can do stuff and get better if we challenge them too.  Let's do it together, celebrate our changes and then do it again.

Yours changing lives,

Your coach,


p.s.  what did you do for cardio minutes and challenge workouts last week?

p.p.s.  Blue Hills Hike is this Saturday. 
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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