Subject: Painting Pictures

Hi Friend ,

Well that's a wrap for Monday. Good start to our week for those who were able to make it.

Picture Painting

This week is record week.

Saturday is the Saturday Stretch.

Next week starts Phase 6 (P6).

P6 is both 3 weeks long and is the last phase of our quarter.

We have 3 weeks until Memorial Day weekend.

This may be your first gathering with your larger pod.

You're going to feel extra proud of yourself for the work you've done all pandemic.

Keep going.

We have 8 weeks straight of training until 4th of July.

This might be our closest experience to pre-pandemic gatherings yet.

You'll also be peaking for this experience health, energy, mood wise.

Keep going.

This week we've got fast workouts (15-35% BW) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Strong workouts (25-45% BW), Thursday and Friday.

Use these options to match what you're bringing to the table. If you're not fully recovered go light and fast. If the light and fast weight feels heavy, go lighter or body weight or the easiest level, even if it feels too light or too easy. If you finish the workout feeling like you could have done more and it was too easy, then you WIN! You moved and you saved energy for the next day.

If you feel rested, energized and strong and it's a light and fast day, then go strong. Capture the moment and go for it. High five yourself for living in a way that allowed you to recover faster.

The 1st quarter was dedicated to health, weight loss, pillar stability, spring sports and getting your body to move fast.

This second quarter is dedicated to strength, decreasing body fat, gaining muscle definition, getting beach ready #1 and peaking for summer sports.

Do you feel the difference between the 2 quarters both in how it feels during the workouts and how your body feels?

Piggyback on this. If you like the experience and the changes, get on board and dial in your nutrition, cardio and recover and see how fast and how far you can go. It'll be very exciting for you. You'll love it and it'll make everything better in your world. You'll be more grounded. More peaceful. More focused. More positive. More action oriented. You'll present your best self to the most important things. You'll have a stronger filter for what's not important. You'l have more fun. You'll feel like you're winning.

Coach's note: it won't always be pretty. there will be times when you need to shut down and rest and it might not be convenient. be kind to others and to yourself and know that once you're recovered you'll come back tenacious with voracious energy and enthusiasm for life and to do lists.

Sometimes you might have to suck it up, when you need to rest because something is due or something important is happening. Fine. Deal with it. Put your heart into it and then shut down afterwards. No guilt. Be kind. Rest even though it makes no sense at all, and then your body will reward you with a fresh attitude and boundless energy.

I speak from innumerable experiences of guilt while resting when there were a million things I needed to do or should be doing, only to be rewarded with jumping beans energy and a rosy outlook afterwards.

Capture the week. Seize the day. Piggyback on momentum. It'll be fun. You'll be glad you did. And you'll be for the fun dates coming up.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes last week? we did 22min / workout.

p.p.s. the next 2 weeks (5/17 to 5/27) are guest weeks. if you know someone who'd love what we do, invite them to join us.

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