Subject: P9, Week 2 Recap!

Hi Friend!

Happy Friday to you!

I hope you're feeling awesome from your week and your excited to move around this weekend.

We're heading into the final week (record week) of our volume phase.  If you haven't already, you'll begin to feel the accumulation of strength, solidness and fatigue.  Use all recovery modalities you can to keep yourself fresh and work to finish the week off strong.  The more you can accumulate volume this week, the more pronounced your September phase 10 will feel.  

Quarter 3 - Themes
Remember our themes:  beach season #2, summer sports, fall sports and peak for fall races.  Also remember you'll be peaking for photos, so I highly recommend scheduling your family photo shoots (holiday cards) for the end of September, beginning of October for when you'll be at your best.

Also, on the subject of fall races.  Any one interested in running Paddy O's, 5K pub race on Sun, Oct 14?

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      26               28                26               80
9:00am      26               26                26               78
6:30pm      26               26                26               72
Get up and go!  Play sports.  Walk the beach.  Hike the hills and mountains.  Walk around the lake.  Ride your bike for 2 hours.  Body surf, boogie board and surf for a couple of hours.  Play beach volleyball, can jam, spike ball, bocce, or paddle board.  Throw a football.  Play.  Keep going.  You'll love it!

Basketball Camp
Attention 9am change makers.  If you train at 9am next week there will be a basketball camp on M-Th.  This means we will not be able to go over at all to get our PR's in.  You'll need to be in early to get started on your push ups / floor slides and alternate grip pull ups / facing wall slide lift offs to get your PR's.  

Shout Outs!
  • Perfect Attendance Through Week 2:  Alicia Straus, Marisa "Nonna" Cimino, Walter Piescik, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Madeline McNeely, Anne Marie Dunne (+1), Melissa Mullen, Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Marc SteinbergNelson Aquino, Emily Pardo, Mimy Wang, Susan McHale, Eric Getkin, Amita Vasi and Gregor Rohda. You can't make change happen if you don't show up!  You showed up.  Now if you're on vacation, don't sweat not seeing your name.  It's cool.  Next time however schedule your vacation during empowerment weeks so you don't miss workouts (95% kidding).
  • High Five to Alicia, Walter, Christine, Peter, Madeline, Melissa, Paula, Karna, Marc, Elizabeth Dean, Emily, Nelson, Mimy, Diane Gomez, Susan, Amita, Eric, Gregor, Heather and Louise for finding ways to get here to make up missed workouts, get in your workouts and taken advantage of the schedule flexibility so you could keep your momentum going.  It's easy to do and it's easy not to do and you did it anyways.  Remember, when you train like no one else, you get to live like no one else.  Keep going!
  • Cardio Goals, P9, Week 1:  Marisa Cimino (285), Walter Piescik (300), Christine Murphy (283), Peter Kelly (479), Julie Levin (375), Lisa Listerman (1200+), Melissa Mullen (378), Michaela Millot (336), Marc Steinberg (365), Elizabeth Dean (450) Ricardo Abech (190), Diane Gomez (324), Susan McHale (252), Eric Getkin (180) and Heather Budd (262).  You did it!  You're doing it.  You're reaping the rewards of happy hormones and good health.  You're presumably sleeping better, eating better and presenting your best self more often to your world while also increasing the likelihood that you see the world through rose colored glasses.  Yay for you!  Keep going!
  • Challenge Workouts while away from boot camp during week 1:  Julie Levin (2) Elizabeth Dean (1);  High Five Julie and Liz!  You sure are a great role models for your respective families and inspiring change makers for us all!
  • Beat Last Kick A** Weigh In!:  Walter Piescik, Karna Krishna, Marc Steinberg, Mimy Wang, Diane Gomez, Susan McHale and Heather Budd. We're tracking habits here.  What gets measured gets managed.  If you choose not to track your data, then you're missing an opportunity to get better.  High Five for both the courage to track, for not making a big deal out of it and for beating your last weigh in.  Keep going!
  • Congratulations Marisa Cimino on becoming a grandmother this week.  Her son and former CYBBC member, Stephen Cimino and his wife, former CYBBC member, Jackie Bunt, had their first child, Siene Rose.  Marisa is now a Nonna!
  • That makes 2 grandmas in CYBBC (Marisa and Lisa de Lima).  Who'd a thunk it and aside from it being pretty cool, it's also no big deal.  We train people who can do what we do and are ready and willing to do what we do.
  • High Five to Ricardo for finishing the 12 week cardio program I shared with him as a test.  He sure had the perseverance to see it through despite all the rain the last number of weeks and even had the foresight to switch his footwear to cleats so he could keep his pace.  Hey Ricardo, how about a new testimonial and/or summary on your experience.
  • Lisa Listerman for hiking 10 miles up one of the White Mountains.  You did it!  Checkin with Diane and Paul Gomez if that becomes a regular thing for you as they're pretty regular about hiking those each year.

That's all for today! 

Burn & Earn and set yourself up for Monday!

Coach Mike

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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