Subject: P9, Week 1 Recap

Hi Friend!

Do you like pudding?

That book, I've been reading, Your Childs Weight:  Helping without Harming, Birth Through Adolescents, by Ellyn Satter, mentioned pudding and now I want it!  Ha!  

I texted the Queen, "can we have pudding soon?  And I don't want it pre-portioned with dinner, I want to be able to eat as much as I can, so make it a snack?", as apparently, (1) a way to take power away from foods is to serve special foods with meals not separate, and desserts or sweets for example, would be the only special foods that are pre-portioned, whereas everything else gets served family style and you can eat as much as you want.  (2)  However, those special foods (especially sweets & desserts) when served as a snack can be eaten until contentment, so while I'm practicing family meals and coming from my nutrition plan mindset model of snacks only in certain progressions (weight maintenance and performance) and pudding definitely, being a splurge item, I am attempting to get pudding served family style during snack time, so I can plan for it and keep my goals.  

If you have questions on this because of what I've taught you in our nutrition workshop, reply and let me know.  I'd be happy to help clear things up based on what I've learned to this point.

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3         Total
6:00am      24               27                24              75
9:00am      24               24                24              72
6:30pm      24               24                24              72
Minutes are due Monday!  If you're hitting your cardio minute goals, you increase the likelihood you'll hit your other goals.  If you're not, then its up to chance.

Shout Outs
  • P8, W3, Cardio Minute Goals:  Marisa Cimino (390), Christine Murphy (258), Peter Kelly (274), Julie Levin (262), Sean Crowley (369), Anne Marie Dunne (318), Melissa Mullen (358), Michaela Millot (326), Julie Tishler (300), Stephanie Bucci (265), Marc Steinberg (466), Emily Pardo (302), Diane Gomez (420), Amita Vasi (340), Gregor Rohda (190) and Heather Budd (305).  High Five for making time and hitting your respective cardio goal.  That feels good!
  • P8, EW, Cardio Minute Goals:  Marisa Cimino (330), Christine Murphy (328), Julie Levin (290), Sean Crowley (311), Michaela Millot (381), Karna Krishna (180), Julie Tishler (325), Marc Steinberg (520), Emily Pardo (280), Mimy Wang (600) and Gregor Rohda (210).  Remember you either have to hit your regular cardio goal AND do at least 1 CW to get a high five or you have to do 250min for guys and 360min for girls if you do no CW's.  You hit your cardio goal based on what you did for CW's last week.  High Five!
  • P8, EW, Challenge Workouts:  Marisa Cimino (1), Christine Murphy (1), Julie Levin (2), Sean Crowley (2), Anne Marie Dunne (2+), Karna Krishna (1), Julie Tishler (2), Emily Pardo (1), Susan McHale (1), Gregor Rohda (1), Heather Budd (3) and Louise Civetti (1). Hoo-RAH!    You did it.  You must feel so proud of yourself.  Look at you walking all tall and bad a** because you are.  Way to go.  Keep going.  Ride that momentum into this phase and figure out why you were successful getting them done and how you can do it again.   
  • P9, W1, Perfect Attendance:  High Five to Marisa Cimino, Christine Murphy, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Madeline McNeely, Anne Marie Dunne (+1), Melissa Mullen, Michaela Millot, Julie Tishler, David Bono, Nelson Aquino, Emily Pardo, Susan McHale, Eric Getkin, Amita Vasi, Gregor Rohda and Louise Civetti for showing up consistently.  You can't make change happen if you don't show up.  You showed up!  High Five!
  • High Five to Emily Pardo for finishing her 2nd Full Workout Card of the Year!  She actually did 13 total workouts (6A's and 7B's).  The easiest ways to guarantee your success are to not miss workouts, hit your cardio goal, follow your nutrition plan, sleep enough to jump out of bed energized and finish your workout card.  If you boiled it down to finishing your workout card every 4 weeks, you'd be pretty close to hitting almost all of your goals.  Emily did.  Hoo-Rah Emily!
  • Speaking of Emily, she did 4x1 of alternate grip pull ups today!  PR!
  • And Amita Vasi, also PR'd on pull ups this week with her first ever set of 20second, negatives.  High Five Amita!
  • Karna got 43 push ups last night.  Hoo-Rah Karna!
  • Marisa did her first CW in forever or maybe ever outside of BC as she usually does classes, so kudos to you Marisa, hoo-rah and high five!
  • Lisa de Lima, did her first Pan Mass Challenge, woot-woot!.  How about that.  Pretty awesome PR for her 71st year!  
  • And not only did Lisa D, train for the PMC locally here in metro Boston, but also in the hills of VT, where she, 2 weeks prior to race day, got knocked into a ditch, hurting her arm, by an overzealous, unleashed, shaggy dog, and still had the courage to see it through despite her physical and emotional bruises.  You must be so proud of yourself.  #stillgettingbetter.  #newereverday.  
  • Shout out to Jimmy Longboards, aka Jim Pelis, on his new surf board.  Glad to see you working the sport your love and getting bonus cardio minutes.  
  • Speaking of water sports, shout outs to Melisa Mullen (wake boarding) and Diane Gomez (stand up paddleboarding), Peter Kelly (tennis) and Joshua Gann (basketball) for taking full advantage of the season by playing sports and getting in cardio minutes.  
  • 4 for 4's (hitting sleep, meals / day, exercise and nutrition goals, all in 1 day).  High Five to Marisa Cimino (2), Amita Vasi (2), Sean Crowley, Emily Pardo, David Bono and Anne Marie Dunne.  Everyone knows their easy to do and also easy not to do, however you found a way to do it.  High Five! Keep going and do it again!
  • Kick A** Weigh In!  Josh Gann, Anne Marie Dunne, Lucy Barts, Nelson Aquino and Susan McHale all beat their last KAWI on record.  Yay for you! Keep going!
  • Josh also beat his last, shoes off, no workout, Private Measurements on record, as did Lucy.  Very cool for you!

Happy weekend.  Make and live a great story.  Keep going and set yourself up for next week!

Hoping for pudding in my future,

Coach Mike

p.s.  Minutes are due Monday (you know this)!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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