Hi Friend,
Happy Friday to you!
How are you feeling? If you trained today or last night, I hope you feel awesome. If not, I hope you were able to do some other movement to make yourself feel great. And if not, like they say in meditation, "begin again".
Tomorrow the Alves go to Montana to visit my Aunt & Uncle. We've been telling them we'd come visit, but pandemic, renovating, moving and getting settled has delayed it, so we're all glad it's finally happening.
P8, Week 3 Recap It's been fun to watch those able to train, get better, stronger and more proficient at the movement skills they've been practicing. You can really tell this year, that people who trained these movements last year, are more familiar and starting to get really good at them. I hope you're having fun.
The biggest breakthroughs I'm seeing are on:
I think to make breakthroughs on pike push ups, push ups and pull ups, you'll need to get 4 sets (sufficient volume) to build up strength to progress.
4 sets on push ups then start over @ 1 rep at a higher level 4 sets of pike push up progressions: holds 5:10:5 or 40sec total of holding negatives 4 sets of 20sec of total lowering or 80sec of total lowering time assisted: 4 sets of 4 reps or 16 total reps, then start over @ 1 rep / set body weight: 4 sets of 4 reps or 16 total reps, then start over @ 1 rep / set
4 sets of Pull Ups Progressions: holds 4 sets of 5:10:5 holds or 40sec of total holding negatives 4 sets of 20sec of total lowering or 80sec of total lowering time assisted: 4 sets of 4 reps or 16 total reps, then start over @ 1 rep / set w/ a lesser band, or moving band from foot to shin or progress to BW body weight: 4 sets of 4 reps or 16 total reps, then start over @ 1 rep with a weight; *If you get 4 sets of 10 reps of dead hang pull ups, I'll bring in the dip chin belt and name it after you. E.g. Where's the "Your Name" Dip / Chin Belt?
Try to use the full hour (6-7am, 9-10am, 6:30-7:30pm or whenever you train) to complete the 4 sets. This means you can do a set during a rest period earlier or later in the workout.
Empowerment Week Plan Summer schedules and vacations requires lots of flexible thinking to get your training in. Middle School, High School, College and 20 somethings often make the most progress in summer, because they're the most consistent. School's out, so they train. 20 somethings (and 30s pre-partners) live for the weekends, so they train consistently all week to peak for the weekend fun. 30's and up, have a lot more responsibilities and are coordinating the summer schedule and vacation plans, so there's a little more demand of their time.
I highly encourage you to time your vacations for empowerment weeks. You'll be super glad you did and can use your vacations as inspiration for training and recovery from training. I also encourage you to live your life and take vacations whenever you can, even if it doesn't line up with our schedule. Play the long game by committing to moving your whole life and by training before and after your vacation.
Next weeks Plan Review the empowerment week plan If you normally train in person and/or I normally lead you, do 1 set of everything your 1st A & B workouts. Then either do 1+1, 2 rounds or as many rounds as possible for your 3rd and/or 4th workouts. How many cardio minutes do you do during Empowerment Week? If you strength train: males = 175min, females = 250min If you don't strength train: males = 250min, females = 360min
If you feel tight, stretch. If you feel a lead suit, go light & fast. If you feel great either do as many reps as possible at a light and fast load / level or lift the heaviest weights / do the most challenging level for the suggested reps.
P8 Recordings extras pdf virtual pdf 45min stretch pdf stretch & sprint pdf 45min Stretch Recordings
Upcoming Schedule
*Th, 8/24 will be: 6:00am @ Virtual 9:00am @ Virtual 6:30pm @ Mackenzie There will be no Friday workouts as I'll be attending a conference.
Empowerment Week: 8/25 to 9/4 P10: T, 9/5 to 9/22 (3on, 0off) 15 weeks straight of training: 9/5 to 12/15
Weekend Workouts They'll be back because they're awesome and appreciated and I'll see if I can make up the one's that didn't happen.
Shout Outs P8, Top 10 Attendance Leaders: Julie Tishler (9), Diane Gomez (9), Paul Gomez (9), Carol Vaghar (9), Karna Krishna (8), Vanessa Kane-Alves (7), Mimy Wang (7), Marisa Cimino (6) and there were 5 people with 5 workouts completed. I may not know specifically what you did to be able to show up so often, but I know that you had to have boundaries, guardrails and limits to protect your time and energy. That you had to prioritize rest & sleep and hydration and nutrition so you'd have enough in the tank to show up. High Five to you. You're on the fast track to results and that feels great! P8, Perfect Attendance: Marisa Cimino, Julie T, Mimy W, Paul G, Diane G, Lisa Listerman, Vanessa K-A, Carol V and Andra Dean. The above list recognized what was possible and those able to achieve it in 3 weeks. This list is for what was realistic for each individual on an ongoing basis. High Five for showing up to what you committed to. That feels good. #KeepGoing! P8, Week 3, Cardio Minutes Goal: Marisa C (270), Peter Kelly (640), Michaela Millot (365), Julie Tishler (358), Stephanie Bucci (270), William Savage (216), Lisa L (532), Vanessa K-A (420), Carol V (338), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (210), Nishaat Vasi (350), Andra D (360) and Jim Flynn (810). You need to be strong and you need to have cardiovascular fitness to live a long life. This is that 2nd piece. You hit and in some cases exceeded your goal. High Five to you! P8, Week 3, 4 for 4's: Marisa C (2), Jim F (2), Nishaat V (2), Stephanie B (2), Carol V (2), Karna Krishna, Lisa L, Sue McHale, Liz Dean, Julie T and Mimy W. P8, Week 3, Guess Who's: She fixed her AC, she hasn't yet and they have fans instead of AC in their training spaces. She's going to the Vineyard, he's on the Cape, she's in Nashville, she's in NJ, she was just in NYC, she's in Montauk, he played golf this week, he didn't, they (not Team Gomez) did recordings this week, he was in CO this week, he just got back from Scotland, his daughter just arrived, his wife and son just returned, she has her corrective routine memorized, she's changing her work schedule which may help her be more consistent with training, he's supporting Dana Farber and I'm supporting him, she returned back to training this week. ***New***. P8 Member of the Phase: Carol Vaghar. I'm fascinated watching her do knee intensive exercises (1-leg squats, lunges, monster walks, goblet squats, reverse lunges, kneeling rock backs, etc...) and be able to do heel sits, shin sits, childs pose and quad stretch without pain while touching her butt to her heel. I've noticed her practicing her balance exercises away from the wall, which is hard, but she's doing it anyways. She's consistently nailing her cardio minutes and often is getting her 4 for 4's. Carol you look like you're getting in or already are in the zone. High Five! #KeepGoing. Runnerup: Julie Tishler! She's equally on fire with her attendance, cardio minutes, effort and progress. She's found a way to be social with her cardio minutes (hello pickle ball) and variety of cardio minutes (PB, treadmill, street). She plans active vacations. And she convinced her husband to share his Monday training time with her so she can train before work. Honorable mentions: Diane Gomez and Paul Gomez. They have found ways to make up missed workouts using all training days, times and locations. Their efforts to prioritize their self-care are super admirable and they're both seeing the results in their increased strength and movement proficiency. High Five Diane & Paul.
Cardio Minutes - Week 3 We did 19, 19 and 23min on M / W / F. We did 24 and 24min on T / Th.
Minutes are due Monday. Please proactively email them.
I wish you a great weekend and week. Keep Going and Begin Again.
See you soon,
p.s. minutes are due Monday.
p.p.s. try 1 set of everything to break the inertia and build momentum training on your own.
p.p.p.s. if you know someone who might love boot camp and can do it, the 1st 2 weeks of Phase 9 are guest weeks. Email introduce them and I'll take it from there. |